

作者: 苏耀勇 | 来源:发表于2019-03-07 22:06 被阅读7次



    有些重要的发现是突如其来的就出现了。比如,德国化学家凯库勒(Kekule)通过直觉发现了一个化学难题的答案。他因为非常疲劳,在白天不知不觉睡着了。在梦里出现了一条头尾相连蛇的图像-这提供了苯分子结构的暗示,苯的原子结构是一个环,而不是链条。德国作家歌德( Goethe)得知一个亲密朋友自杀的悲剧时,面临如何组织他一个著作中一大堆的材料的巨大困难。就在那个时刻,组织那些材料的详细计划出现在他面前。英国作家萨缪尔.泰勒.柯勒律治( Samuel Taylor Coleridge)(你可能在高中读过他的书《老水手之歌》)从梦中醒来,脑海里清晰的出现了200-300行的全新而又复杂的诗。







    Role of Intuition (p23)

    Intuition is commonly defined as immediate perception or comprehension of something—that is, sensing or understanding something without the use of reasoning. Some everyday experiences seem to support this definition. You may have met a stranger and instantly “known” that you would be partners for life. When a car salesman told you that the price he was quoting you was his final, rock-bottom price, your intuition may have told you he was lying. On the first day of a particular course, you may have had a strong sense that you would not do well in it.

    Some important discoveries seem to have occurred instantaneously. For example, the German chemist Kekule found the solution to a difficult chemical problem intuitively. He was very tired when he slipped into a daydream. The image of a snake swallowing its tail came to him—and that provided the clue to the structure of the benzene molecule, which is a ring, rather than a chain, of atoms.9 The German writer Goethe had been experiencing great difficulty organizing a large mass of material for one of his works when he learned of the tragic suicide of a close friend. At that very instant, the plan for organizing his material occurred to him in detail.10 The English writer Samuel Taylor Coleridge (you may have read his Rime of the Ancient Mariner in high school) awoke from a dream with 200–300 lines of a new and complex poem clearly in mind.

    Such examples seem to suggest that intuition is very different from reasoning and is not influenced by it. But before accepting that conclusion, consider these facts:

    Breakthrough ideas favor trained, active minds. It is unusual for someone totally untrained in a subject to make a significant new discovery about it. Thus, if Kekule had been a plumber, Goethe a bookkeeper, and Coleridge a hairdresser, they would almost certainly not have received the intuitions for which they are famous.

    Some intuitions eventually prove to be mistaken. That attractive stranger may turn out to be not your lifelong partner but a person for whom you develop a strong dislike. The car salesman’s final price may have proved to be exactly that. And instead of doing poorly in that course, you may have done well.

    It is difficult to make an overall assessment of the quality of our intuitions because we tend to forget the ones that prove mistaken in much the same way a gambler forgets his losses.

    These facts have led some scholars to conclude that intuition is simply a consequence of thinking. They would say that something about the stranger appealed to you, something the salesman said or did suggested insincerity, something about the professor frightened you. In each case, they would explain, you made a quick decision—so quick, in fact, that you were unaware that you’d been thinking. In the case of the breakthrough ideas, the scholars would say that when people become engrossed in problems or issues, their unconscious minds often continue working on them long after they have turned their attention elsewhere. Thus, when an insight seems to come “out of nowhere,” it is actually a delayed result of thinking.

    Which view of intuitions is the correct one? Are intuitions different from and independent of thinking or not? Perhaps, for now, the most prudent answer is that sometimes they are independent and sometimes they are not; we can’t be sure when they are, and therefore it is imprudent to rely on them.



