美剧Billions/亿万 S1E1(14-18minute)

美剧Billions/亿万 S1E1(14-18minute)

作者: 笨言Ben语 | 来源:发表于2020-08-12 22:08 被阅读0次


Excuse me, sir?


I may be speaking out of turn,I probably shouldn't have even been in the room where Axelrod was discussed but you know the Norton place out at the beach? –

Why would we?

Not you. TheU.S.Attorney. His father's house is around the jetty.

Yes, I know the house.What?

I just heard Bobby Axelrod is trying to buy it.

Where did you hear that?

Court clerk's cousin works for the realtor and mentioned it.

- How much? - $83million.

Really? That would be widely reported. Widely.

People hate guys who buy things like that.


speak out of turn 多嘴


I just lost my mojo somewhere along the line.It's fucking gone. And you're Mrs. Mojo, so I booked the appointment.

It's Dr.Mojo.

Right. I hear it happens to guys my age. Maybe I'm depressed. Maybe I should try some Prozac,Effexor

Uh-huh. We'll get to that. Now, have you been eating, sleeping, exercising?

Yeah, more or less. Maybe not so much with the sleeping.

And things with your wife?

Okay, mostly.


Normal. I've been married 10 years, so

So down to just once a day. So, it's really just the book?

I'm down 4% year to date. Everyone else is up double digits. I'm down. - I'm fucked.

You don't need meds. You're just listening to the wrong voice. You're tuned into the one yelling at you over the loudspeaker that you're fucking stupid and your performance blows. And you're ignoring the quiet one inside telling you where the alpha is. Now, that's the voice that got you here. And it's still there if you're willing to listen. What's that voice telling you? 

That even though I've stiffed a few that I'm pretty damn good.

Stand up. Stand up. What'd you take down last year?

$7.2 million.

$7.2 million $7.2million feel that.

$7.2 million.

Bring it close.

$7.2 million.

So, what's it saying? - 

That I'm awesome.

There you go.And what does it have to say back to that loud, critical voice?

It's saying,"Fuck you.

Good! Sit down.

Now, I want you to go back to your Bloomberg and cut bait on your losers you know the ones. The ones you've been defending, hoping they'll come 'round, but,secretly, you know never will. I want you to just commit that you're in it for the long haul, that you will succeed. And once you do that, the new ideas, the winners, will present themselves because you are a winner. You're in the Special Forces here. You are a Navy SEAL. And there's a reason for that. Did the SEAL's make a mistake signing you up? No.They did not。The S. E.A.L. s don't make mistakes. So get out there and do what needs to be done. We have to stop here.


somewhere along the line:at some moment during a relationship or process

mojo:aquality that attracts people to you and makes you successful and full ofenergy:

year to date:the period from the beginning of the year (either a calendar year or a financialyear) until the present time, used especially when talking about a company's sales,profits,        财务财经词汇


cut bait:to give up



      本文标题:美剧Billions/亿万 S1E1(14-18minute)
