So, this is how a man with no conscience spends histime.
It's how agrown-up does.
You know, Iremember when you were my professor, you told us a lawyer's calling was beyondmere recompense. It was to serve the spirit of the law regardless of gain.
Yeah.It is. Until it's not.
What? You'll see. Once you sell out and playfor the defense, too.
Nah, I've found my calling.
Okay, Claude Dancer.
One day you'll be coming to me just like this,asking for a job. The good news is this when you get out of there, you'restarting at $1.4, easy. Nail a few headline cases $1.7.Better news? I'll hireyou.
I'm staying.
No, you're not.
Hey, speaking of headlines, is this shit we'rehearing about the beach house real? 'Cause that's a headline you don't want.
Since when's a rich guy buying a houseillegal?
There's the waythings look and the way things are. You taught me that. It's like he's slappingmy guy in the face with a white glove. You know what happens next.
If there were anydoubt, we'd tie him to his chair. World's full of snipers. But Bobby runs aclean shop.
So he just keeps atop defense firm on retainer at $800 an hour because he loves lawyers?
Must be. And we're$1,000 an hour. There's nothing there.
Like Warren Buffett says, you put a police caron anyone's tail for 500 miles, he's gonna get a ticket.
Sell out 售完; 售罄; (演出、体育赛事等的门票)销售一空,卖光; 脱销; 出卖原则; 向敌对势力屈服; 卖光(财物); 变卖(家当)
There's the waythings look and the way things are
you put a policecar on anyone's tail for 500 miles, he's gonna get a ticket.