traumatizing adj. traumatize vt.
legitimise vt. legal adj.+n.
verses n.诗节
perversion n.歪曲,扭曲,变坏,性变态 perverse adj.
Isis ['aisis]
Islam ['ɪz'lɑ:m] 伊斯兰教
fuel v. 点燃
a handful of 一把,为数不多,少数几个
psychiatry [saɪ'kaɪətrɪ] n. 精神病学;精神病治疗法
deculturation n.去文化作用;文化萎缩
integration n.集成;综合
acculturation n. 文化适应;文化移入;文化互渗(不同文化在频繁交流中的互相影响)
pose vt. 造成,形成;摆姿势;装模作样;提出…讨论
vi. 摆姿势;佯装;矫揉造作
n. 姿势,姿态;装模作样
find oneself at odds with…… 发现自己与……有争执/不一致
paradigm n.范例;词形变化表
become fertile ground for 成了……的沃土
radicalization n.激进
be akin to 与…同类的;近似的
at large adj. 未被捕的;自由的,不受约束的;逍遥法外的;详细地,详尽地;充分地,全面地;整体上,一般地;大体上;含糊地,笼统地;无固定职位的,无所事事的;(大使)无固定任所的
pathway n. 路,道;途径,路径
alienation n. 异化;疏远;转让
counterculture n. 反主流文化(60和70年代美国青少年中盛行的一种思想)
faction n. 派别;内讧;小集团;纪实小说
allegiance n. 效忠,忠诚;忠贞
manifesto n. 宣言;声明;告示 vi. 发表宣言
implicate vt. 使卷入;涉及;暗指;影响
bring on 导致;引起;使…发展
marginalisation n. 边缘化
mediator n. 调停者;传递者;中介物
readily adv. 容易地;乐意地;无困难地
disaffected adj. 不满的;有叛意的;愤愤不平的
perceived adj. 感知到的;感观的 percieved sense ……的感觉
draw recruits 招募人员 recruiter n. 招聘人员,征兵人员
propaganda n. 宣传
exceedingly adv. 非常;极其;极度地;极端
rhetoric n. 修辞,修辞学;华丽的词藻 adj. 花言巧语的
narcissistic adj. 自恋的;自我陶醉的
psychopath n. 精神病患者
revel in 得意于,纵情于;着迷
notoriety n. 恶名;声名狼藉;丑名
thuggery n. 谋财害命;暗杀
concerted adj. 协调的;协定的;商议定的
vile adj. 卑鄙的;邪恶的;低廉的;肮脏的
ammunition n. 弹药;军火 vt. 装弹药于 vi. 装弹药
theological adj. 神学的,神学上的
counter-narrative 相反的叙述
the prevent strategy 预防策略
murderous adj. 杀人的,残忍的;凶残的;蓄意谋杀的
defiantly adv. 挑战地;对抗地
havoc n. 大破坏;浩劫;蹂躏 vt. 严重破坏 vi. 损毁
1.Some will have you believe that Islam isat faultsinceverses of theQur’anlegitimizesuch violence, while their opponents point out that the ideologyfuelling these acts of terroris atwisted perversion of the religion.
2.Western policy has oftenbeen cited asan important driver, but there are countless law-abiding British citizens of all faiths who disagree with recent foreign policy who do not feel compelled towreak bloody havocon account of it.
3.For those who find themselvesat odds withthe culture of their parents, and yetare met withhostility
from the culture of the society they live in, exiting the acculturation paradigm to embrace a third culture that provides them with a sense of belonging may be an appealing option. In this case their mindsbecome fertile ground forradicalization.
4.Perhaps the low self-esteembrought on bymarginalization is the mediator here, traded readily by some disaffected Muslim youths for theperceived sense ofpurpose and statusassociated with being a jihadi.
5. Although the factors that lead to radicalization are still poorly understood, and areas complex as the acts of terror are devastating,some common themes are evident, and we should respond accordingly.
1.Feel compelled to do sth:被迫做某事
2.Pose a challenge for:给…提出了挑战
3.Radical extremist faction极端的激进组织
4.Be highly susceptible to jihadi
6.Address the factors找出原因

Fri.-Sat. 我对粗体字的翻译不够顺畅、地道
1.Some will have you believethat Islam is at faultsince verses of the Qur’anlegitimizesuch violence, while their opponents point out that the ideologyfueling these acts of terroris atwisted perversion of the religion.
2.Western policy has oftenbeen cited asan important driver, but there are countless law-abiding British citizens of all faiths who disagree with recent foreign policy who do notfeel compelled towreak bloody havocon account of it.
4.Perhaps the low self-esteembrought on bymarginalization is the mediator here, traded readily by some disaffected Muslim youths for theperceived sense ofpurpose and statusassociated with being a jihadi.
2.Address the factors:解决这些因素
Address是万能词,address theissue/problem/factors/
People are not born to be evil, even the extrimists. If they were treated kindly at home and in society, maybe they would not embrace the devastating ideas and actions. Thus, our kindness to others will make no little difference. It may keep a person from becoming a villain who would hurt us. In this way, being kind to others is being kind to ourselves.