笃学奖-Topic 2-B20556 潘梦益Emma-Uband

笃学奖-Topic 2-B20556 潘梦益Emma-Uband

作者: emma0517 | 来源:发表于2017-05-15 20:32 被阅读13次


According to the article, the title"Beauty and the Beast" refers to the two opposite natures of human.The beauty can be illustrated by the giant aitificial creation while the beast means the brutality of human.




1.How far we human have comein such a short time:在如此短暂的时间里成就如此之多

2.he sight of …. Is almost enoughtomake a believer of even the most skeptical.看到.....足以让最质疑的人都心悦诚服。Make sth(out)of sth:将....制成....即将.....转变为....

3.Some of the workers maywell have beenveterans of the First Crusade, an expedition to save the Holy Land from the infidel Muslims that waspart religious frenzy, part military adventure,and part social fad.一些工匠可能是第一次十字军东征的退伍军人。那是一场把圣地从穆斯林异教徒手中拯救回来的远征。那场远征是出于对宗教的狂热和社会风尚,也是一次军事冒险。

Q:Are they a permanentpart of the human condition, or can we do something about them?

In the face of such contradictory drives, we can do something about them.

The rules and laws are ongoingly renewed in order to keep our society run normally. The bad things are always be repressed by the calm and moral people.The criminals are arrested by the police.The education keeps teaching people to do thing good, true and beautiful.

In such way, the beast in our body will be more obedient to the beauty.



    本文标题:笃学奖-Topic 2-B20556 潘梦益Emma-Uband
