

作者: s2dongman申悦 | 来源:发表于2015-03-04 22:59 被阅读183次

It's beautiful when all the elements come together, isn't it?


New York Times

New York Times -New York Times is a respected and well know news organization with their own app.


纽约时报(New York Times)是一个众所周知、受人尊敬的新闻机构,同时也拥有自己的APP。

The use of spacing, typography, alignment and even colours in the design of their news feed is well throughout. There is actually a lot going on in this app yet it doesn’t feel cluttered because you can skimp through it very easily. As you can see the whole title is legible per each article and there is some additional information as well. Because the additional description is a light gray it makes the display easier on the eyes; it helps that the description is also smaller in front size. Whoever figured out the spacing and vertical rhythm of this layout nailed it because although there is a lot of text here it’s easily legible and scannable.


Lastly, the small image that corresponds to each article is tucked away to the side. It supports the article’s headline and isn’t in the way. You can skim through the different titles with ease till you find something that interests you without having the distraction of an image between each title. It was a clever but great choice to make the image small and tucked away. All of those design decision add up to fantastic and easy to follow flow.


Take away:Optimizing the flow of information can prove critical when there is a lot of information provided on a screen.



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