20170318 雅思阅读真题解析

20170318 雅思阅读真题解析

作者: 6ac22162aaac | 来源:发表于2017-04-01 11:53 被阅读433次

3 月 31 号也就是昨天,3 月 18 号的雅思成绩出分。我有好几位学生参加 了3 月 18 号的雅思考试,考前,我对不同基础的学生选了不同的机经精讲,算是猜题。我给一位学生在考前讲了《九分达人一》那篇关于呼吸球与广告立法的文章(此文是 3 月 18 号考试当天的第二篇阅读文章),给另外一名学生讲了一篇关于生物模仿其他生物的雅思机经文章 Copy your neighbor,那篇文章的核心考点词是 mimic。

考前做了 Copy your neighbor 的学生反映第一篇仿生学文章非常难,虽然这两篇的核心考点词都是 mimic。考前写了第二篇阅读原题的学生现在是高二,没有系统背过单词,但逻辑分析能力非常强,考前在规定时间内做剑 9 到 11 的阅读文章,每篇的错误率能控制在三个以内。学生考后反映,第三篇文章没有写完,第一篇文章阅读难度非常大,虽然看懂了,但花了太多时间。最终的阅读分数是 6.5。

3 月 18 号雅思考试第一篇文章主题是仿生学,先说地心引力抓不住蜥蜴(lizard)这个现象,然后说现象背后的原理,再说原理在工程学的实际运用。蜥蜴这个单词大家应该不陌生,在剑桥雅思 10 最后一篇文章 When evolution runs backwards 中出现过。ACT 考过一篇同主题的仿生学文章 Biomimicry: Innovation inspired by nature。

3 月18 号考的这篇仿生学文章中的很多细节可以化用到雅思口语第二部分感兴趣的学科、喜欢的老师、难忘的经历等话题上面。喜欢的学科是生物学,喜欢的老师是生物老师,因为生物老师在课上介绍了为什么地心引力抓不住蜥蜴,让我产生了对生物学的兴趣。难忘的经历,可以说听讲座,或者是参观科学博物馆,知道了或者看到了一副根据蜥蜴攀爬原理制作的手套,能够让人攀爬摩天楼(A pair of gecko gloves allowing users to climb glass buildings)。以下是 3 月 18 号雅思考试第一篇仿生学阅读文章的解析,以及如何将这篇文章的内容化用到口语部分的介绍。

Designs from Nature 文章结构分析


Some biomimeticists blame industry, whose short-term expectations about how soon a project should be completed and become profitable clash with the time-consuming nature of biomimetics research.

【解析】整句话主干为 biomimeticists blame industry,定语从句修饰 industry。从句的主干为 expectations clash with the nature of research。整句话意为仿生学家指责行业,行业对于一个项目多快完成、实现盈利的短视期待与仿生研究非常花时间的属性相冲突。

In reality, gecko feet aren’t sticky—they’re dry and smooth to the touch—and owe their remarkable adhesion to some two billion spatula-tipped filaments per square centimeter on their toe pads, each filament only a hundred nanometers thick.

【解析】stick 意为有粘性的,toe(脚趾)是剑 10 第 97 页,When evolution runs backward 的考点词,那篇文章也考了 toe 的同义词 digit 。这段话意为蜥蜴脚没有粘性,干燥且平滑,它们能附着于物体表面是因为脚掌上(toe pad)的 filaments。

这段话对应的判断题为:The geckos’ toes are tough and glue-like. Tough(粗糙)与原文smooth 是一组反义替换,glue-like(像胶水)与原文 not sticky 是也是一组反义替换,所以这个判断题是错的。托福 TPO23 口语部分 task6 听力原文有:For insects, the hairs on the leaves also produce a super sticky glue-like substance. 可以通过这句话巩固两个单词:sticky、glue。

These filaments are so small, in fact, that they interact at the molecular level with the surface on which the gecko walks, tapping into the low-level van der Waals forces generated by molecules’ fleeting positive and negative charges, which pull any two adjacent objects together.

【解析】tap into 的逻辑主语是 filament。这段话意为 filament 很小,所以它们与蜥蜴爬行的物体表面的互动是在分子层面,filament 利用分子正负电荷所产生的叫 van der Waals 的力,来把两个邻近的物体拉到一起。

Full and Autumn discovered that gecko adhesion is highly directional: Its toes stick, only when dragged downward, and they release when the direction of pull is reversed.

【解析】剑 8 第 93 页,Biological control of pests 一文的原句:When handled by experts, bio-control is safe, non-polluting and self-dispersing. When 引导的状语从句中,当从句主语与主句主语一致,从句谓语动词是 be 动词的时候,从句主语可以省略。剑 8 中的这句话的完整版为:When (bio-control is) handled by experts, bio-control is safe, non-polluting and self-dispersing. 所以 0318 真题中这段话冒号后面的完整版为:Its toes stick, only when (its toes are) dragged downward, and they release when the direction of pull is reversed.


I'm interested in biology because my biology teacher is willing to modify his teaching styles to meet students' needs and encourage students to pursue career paths in science in the future. In fact, he attempts to ignite our passion for biology. For example, he told us that If people could figure out the mechanisms of many animals' behavior, many designs from nature could be applied to solve problems in sectors like engineering and so on. I learn from my biology teacher that lizards could walk on vertical surfaces without being affected by gravity. However, lizards' digits could not produce glue-like substance. The reason for lizards' gravity defying locomotion is that forces generated between lizards' digits and the surfaces they walk on enable lizards to adhere to the surfaces. I look forward to the future when people would create gravity defying robots based on lizards' gravity defying movements and use the robots to clean the surfaces of glass buildings.



    本文标题:20170318 雅思阅读真题解析
