别把青春困在爱里 我要永远潇洒自由

别把青春困在爱里 我要永远潇洒自由

作者: 句子控 | 来源:发表于2023-02-04 13:37 被阅读0次

    我们终其一生 不过想要找个能够一起吃饭的人.All our lives we just want to find someone to eat with.


    When I hear something, it's obviously irrelevant, but I can always turn around and think of you.

    别把青春困在爱里 我要永远潇洒自由


    Don't trap your youth in love. I want to be handsome and free forever. I won't shed those worthless tears for anyone.


    The sunset indulges in the orange sea, and the evening breeze falls into sincere love.

    不要因为别人都在交卷 自己没答好也别乱写交卷 这份试卷是自己的 和别人无关.

    Don't hand in your papers because everyone else is handing them in, and don't write them indiscriminately. This paper is your own and has nothing to do with others.

    搭伙过日子的人到处都是 而我想的是一见我就笑 满眼都是我 喝醉酒也会跟我讲爱和浪漫的人.

    People who live with each other are everywhere, and all I want to do is smile at the sight of me. My eyes are full of people who will tell me about love and romance when I am drunk.



        本文标题:别把青春困在爱里 我要永远潇洒自由
