剑桥男士建议我看Shree ma anandamayee书,我搜索一下发现很有意思!
因为一大早集合走,我就3点起来,黑暗中ashram大门都没开,我让睡在里面人打开迎着冷风一个人到了tent,风声吹舞打击四周莫名我有些不安,但瑜伽开始就好了!Morning ashtanga myself then dip! 正犹豫如何dip不被急促河流冲走,听到有人下河,就从帐篷边上钻出去看到法国男士在,请他帮我拉住链子,dip在冰冷的河水里一阵清爽,没顾上祈祷,就出来赶紧围起毛巾,真好把衣服换下来把我的瑜伽垫子也holy一下,开开心心回去shower pack !gathering being numbered!
Breakfast talk with Indonesian on relationship with china;他们华裔小的时候不允许讲中文,所以很多华侨不会讲中文!
Main gate talking with maxMara girl on stress,她工作时体重骤减10斤,就辞了工作印度旅行,不知道是否回去!已经衣服印度打扮,头巾是panjabi男士样子,很cool!
Chanting 之后我们开始Walk to parking under beautiful sun!我和一个意大利男士聊天,问他ashtanga 20 years benefit;more ground , like to go back to the same place in Hollywood , his job is for web design with flexibility for more practice!
停车场Check bags in car , Chanting again ! 开始长途跋涉!
sadsang一些非常好的learnings:Everyday when u wake up, there is a morning!
No fixed rituals, content matters, which are universal figures: integrity, truth, Yama and niyama!
Committed to spiritual path, see myself as it is, see world as it is.
Meditation technique: breathe straight but not rigid! 几个方法都很好:Chakras, breathe, chanting!
In the name of spirituality for whatever u want, to justify.
God gives freewill but we take fruits of karma!
Heaven and hell does exist: how u make it into hell or heaven !
Life is what u make it!
Hinduism talks reincarnation not heaven or hell!
Awareness of connection between all!
There is something much greater than I want, when, how.
When we fulfill our desire, there is a moment of no desire, desire less which is joy.
Soul = oneness, wholeness, stillness=we
Thoughts keep us out of heaven!
Yearn for solitude is beautiful, go for it as long as it is not running away.
Material desire is founder than others, material life is more difficult than spiritual one.
Do the duties with full sincerity
看到好多yogi都带着bracelet made of Rudraksha;is a Sanskrit compound word consisting of the Rudra (Sanskrit: रुद्र) and akṣa (Sanskrit: अक्ष ).Rudra is one of Lord Shiva's vedic names and Akṣa means 'teardrops'. So it means Lord Rudra's (Lord Shiva's) teardrops.
瑜伽到第8禅定,限于感官,佛陀到第9, pantajali 比佛陀晚500年,瑜伽一直有,佛陀也练习过!
贪嗔痴: craving aversion ignorance
荷兰wim告诉我他早晨dipping 7 times ,我说“ u must be so clean and so much sin to clean!”
约定Ma Temple to meditate with Cambridge boy!
以下是sharathi Birthday talk:
Parampara learn from guru :Yogapedia explains Parampara;The practice of parampara allows for knowledge in spiritual, artistic and educational areas to be passed down directly through a number of consecutive generations without losing any of the message along the way!
Experience yoga !
In 1924 Krishnamacharya spent time in the Calcutta University Library researching an ancient text called the Yoga Korunta which was badly damaged and had many missing portions.Krishnamacharya had learned this text from his teacher Rama Mohan Brahmachari in the Himalayas!Jois began his studies with Krishnamacharya in 1927 and was taught the method from the Yoga Korunta.An entire system of practices including Pranayama, Bandhas, (core muscular and energetic locks) and Dristi (visual focal points) were included along with āsanas and vinyāsa!
Guruji learned at 20 years old but yoga came back to many generations!
Not just physical but spiritual which has compassion love for not only people or plant.
In India we see god in everything .
Yatra is spiritual path to understand yoga knowledge
Yoga is union!