
作者: 割禾刀 | 来源:发表于2022-10-11 20:29 被阅读0次

11.I have lost one _______ (手套)。

12.1 You can use the ______ (胶水) on my table.

12.2 It’s s no use tying(tie的现在分词,捆绑) it, you have to _____ (粘上) it.

12.3 The children were ______ (待在)to their chairs.

13.1 The train was _____ (行驶) faster and faster.

13.2 For the first winter things _______ (进展) smoothly well.

13.3 The black hair was _____ (变得) grey.

14.1 His _____ (目标) is to be a doctor.

14.2 He kicked the ball towards the other team’s _____(球门).

14.3 We scored a ______(踢进一球)in the first minute of the game.

15.The baby is scared of the voice of the ______(山羊).

16._____(上帝)bless(保佑) you.

17.1 There was a _____ fever(淘金热) at one time in the history of the USA.

17.2 People used to pay in _____(金币.)

17.3 The school’s colors are green and _____(金黄颜色).

18.1 The child has blue eyes and  ______(金色的) hair.

18.2 The eighteenth century was the _______(宝贵的) age of the novel.

18.3 The _______(金质的) crown was on the table.

19. I can’t afford the_____ clubs(高尔夫球杆).

20.1 Her English is not very ______(好的).

20.2 The check is ______ (有效的)for ninety days.

20.3 ______ morning !早上好!

20.4 She is only looking out(在意) for her own _______(利益).

20.5 He does a lot of ______(好事)for the town by giving money to build(修建) new schools.

20.6 A:Are you here for ______(永久)?




