
作者: Serena哈哈哈 | 来源:发表于2016-08-24 15:48 被阅读35次


We tend to reproach ourselves for staring out of the window.You're supposed to be working or studying,taking off things on your to-do list.It can seem almost the definition of wasted time.It appears to produce  nothing,just serve no purpose.

There's no prestige in it,we don't go around saying,"I had a great day,the high point was staring out of the window".But maybe in  a better society,that's just the sort of thing people would say to one another.

The point of staring out of the window ,is paradoxically not to find out what's going on outside.It's rather an exercise in discovering the contents of our own minds.It's easy to imagine we know what we think ,what we feel and what's going on in our heads,but we rarely do entirely.

There's a huge amount of what makes us who we are that circulates unexplored and unusesd.It's shy and doesn't emerge under the pressure of direct questioning. if we do it right ,staring out of the window offers us a way to listen out for the quiet suggesions and perspectives of our inner nature's

The philosopher Plato suggested a metaphor for the mind,It's full of ideas,like birds fluttering around in the aviary of our brains. But,in order for the birds to settle, Plato understood that we need periods of calm.staring out of the window offers such an opportunity.

The potential of daydreaming isn't recognized by society's obsessed with productivity.But some of our greatest insights come when we stop trying to be purposeful and instead respect the creative potential of reveie.

Window daydreaming is a strategic rebellion against the excessive demands of the immediate but ultimately insignificant pressures. In favor of the diffuse but very serious search for the insights of our deep ourselves.






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