Tulip-admiring in Holland(又是一年赏花

作者: 不過一二三 | 来源:发表于2017-04-20 07:55 被阅读50次

Tulip is not a Dutch native. But this exotic flower somehow settled down in Holland, and got itself the national flower crown. It even started the first ever financial crisis in human history! How did it all come about? And are you in the mood for a tulip tour in photos? ^^


Before the Show

This year I've got a chance to the famous Dutch tulip garden--Keukenhof--in Holland. I would really like to share with you my memory of those beautiful tulips. But before the show, let's acquaint ourselves with a little bit more knowledge on tulip.


Tulip is the national flower of Holland. Just like Japan's Sakura, to go on a tulip-admiring trip, you'd have to choose between late March and early May as the flowering season of tulips is quite short. It was not the best of the best timing when I visited Keukenhof, but the tulips were already gorgeous enough.

Dutch Tulip Bulb Market Bubble

It was said that the tulip was firstly brought to Europe in the middle of the sixteenth century by a turkish businessman from the Ottoman Empire. The tulip seeds accidentally dropped on the soil came growing into the most beautiful flowers Dutch people had never seen before. No doubt, Holland's upper classes soon competed for the rarest bulbs as tulips became a status symbol.

By 1636, tulip bulbs were traded on the stock exchanges of numerous Dutch towns and cities, encouraging all members of society to speculate in the markets. Many people traded or sold possessions to participate in the tulip market mania.

Like any bubble, it all came to an end in 1637, when prices dropped and panic selling began. Bulbs were soon trading at a fraction of what they once had, leaving many people in financial ruin.

Ok, done with the boring part!

Show Time

The Dutch really have made tulips a business. They've cultivated new species and shaped out many kinds of pretty, cute or even interesting lookings of the flower. You'll see!

![like in a fairy tale](http:https://img.haomeiwen.com/i5220983/1c8d875b5c669e76.JPG?

by the lake close-up an upward angle mixed by the lake felt like walking into the Neverland! like them! The red is almost glowing! like them! So tidy and...mechanical! pink voilet yellow looks good with a camera! the color of maturing the color of youth the elegant the quiet like this warm color of orange This one is facing the sun! Van Gogh style so gentle and pure upright the happy colors pink and red the silver line red bright colors butterfly-like tulips puffy tulips pepper-like tulips Is it Sakura?


Inside Keukenhof there are several souvenir shops where mugs, coasters, bags, wooden artworks and all other kinds of decorations with the theme "TULIP" are sold. Just give you some clues!

I'm enthusiastic about mugs!


These wooden tulips in vases make good decorations in a home setting!

wooden tulips

--The End--

Hope you enjoyed the reading!


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    本文标题:Tulip-admiring in Holland(又是一年赏花
