

作者: 谜样男人 | 来源:发表于2018-08-23 10:24 被阅读49次






I became a teacher because it was the noblest profession I could think of. Get this: 


I impart knowledge. I am responsible for instilling the foundation in the next generation of professionals and leaders. It all sounds very romantic, but the job comes down to an ability to simplify and explain those concepts that make up the core curriculum.


If I cannot communicate clearly with my students, if I cannot come to their level and make the instruction relevant and accessible, then I fail.


In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson: "The man who can make hard things easy is the educator." And that is my job. My philosophy relies on giving your children the best possible start. I am the opener of doors.


I believe in providing an optimal learning environment to attack the core subjects rigorously, allowing each student to walk out feeling confident and prepared, whether it be for graduation tests, college-entrance exams, or the job market. So my skill is just this: I bridge the gap between student and textbook.


As a compassionate and passionate educator, I know the competition your child faces. I am interested in breaking down the barriers that intimidate students and providing the path that will get them better college offers, better careers, and most significantly, a better quality of life.


To do this, I adopt a perspective of peak preparation at all costs. My classroom is responsible for instilling the concepts and skills that be tested and evaluated, and it is a responsibility that I do not take lightly. It is these standards and basics—which every student of mine will come to know and understand—that often determine a student's future success. Because I take my position as educator so seriously, you can trust me to have your child ready for the next step.





Teachers have one true job: to inspire. Educate comes from the Latin word educare meaning "bring out and lead forth;" therefore, it is the duty of the teacher to open the minds of students and to guide them into new places.

为人师表的真正职责是:解惑。“教育”一词源自拉丁词“educare”, 意思是:“带出来,向前走”。因此,老师的职责在于开启学生的心智,引导他们走向未知领域。

It is not nearly as important to divulge knowledge as it is to stimulate a desire and love for the thing itself. Teaching, when done properly, allows a second chance for students to contemplate those values and beliefs that have been imparted to them. In venturing to these new places, teachers have the opportunity to unleash active and independent-thinking humans.


Consider the average student, constantly told what to believe and how to act—a robotic imitator of cultural values and societal standards. Yet, the teacher has the  power to make all the difference. The teacher is the opener of the dormant mind,  the bringer of the epiphany, the supplier of the moment of change.


A classroom that  fails to challenge a student's fundamental principles and create a hunger for lifetime learning fails altogether. Whether teaching the humanities or the sciences, the educator is the one who lays out a puzzle and pilots instances of profound, sublime enlightenment. A student lucky enough to study under a true teacher is never satisfied, but instead is relentlessly looking for answers.


It is through inspiration that a teacher teaches a student to think. Educating is not the business of memorization but the business of inquiry. The student-teacher dichotomy is one of reciprocated wonderment with each party undergoing continuous improvement. And an effective instructor is merely the one responsible for that  curiosity in the minds of his or her students.. It was Robert Frost who said, "I am not a  teacher, but an awakener."





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