You Deserve Something Better

You Deserve Something Better

作者: 搁浅的流年 | 来源:发表于2024-10-01 00:26 被阅读0次

God doesn't give you what you want, it doesn't mean you don't deserve it, it's just because you deserve something better. ——

      In our lives, the only reason for confusion is that at an age when one should be striving, one thinks too much and does too little. There is no shortcut in life, some detours are inevitable.

      You know, we came into this world not to find the missing beauty in life or to perpetuate future generations, but to love the loveliest people, listen to the best songs, see the best scenery, eat the best food and become the most special people.

      Then, the past grows longer, the future shorter. Life is a subtraction, with days not to spare. Live each today well, you'll have the best tomorrow.

We don't know what's coming tomorrow, so don't stay mad for too long. Learn to leave things behind, be with someone you love. ——


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