

作者: 52e47f71698a | 来源:发表于2020-06-12 20:36 被阅读0次


抗疫特别国债    发行1万亿元抗疫特别国债。用好抗疫特别国债,加大疫苗、药物和快速检测技术研发投入,增加防疫救治医疗设施,增加移动实验室,强化应急物资保障,强化基层卫生防疫。 one trillion yuan of government bonds for covid-19 control will also be issued.We will make good use of COVID-19 bonds, increase inputs into the R&D of vaccines, medicines, and rapid testing technologies, build more medical facilities for epidemic control and treatment, set up more mobile laboratories, ensure emergency supplies, and strengthen public health and epidemic prevention at the primary level.
稳住上亿市场主体   预计全年为企业新增减负超过2.5万亿元。要坚决把减税降费政策落到企业,留得青山,赢得未来。 We expect that these measures will see additional savings of more than 2.5 trillion yuan for enterprises throughout the year. All tax and fee reduction policies must be fully implemented for our businesses, so that they can sustain themselves and assure success for the future.
真正过紧日子    一般性支出要坚决压减,严禁新建楼堂馆所,严禁铺张浪费。各级政府必须真正过紧日子 resolutely cut general expenditures. Construction of new government buildings and wasteful and excessive spending will be strictly prohibited.Governments at all levels must truly tighten their belt. 
硬任务   脱贫是全面建成小康社会必须完成的硬任务,要坚持现行脱贫标准,强化扶贫举措落实,确保剩余贫困人口全部脱贫,健全和执行好返贫人口监测帮扶机制,巩固脱贫成果。 Eliminating poverty is an obligatory task we must complete in order to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects. We will continue to apply the current poverty alleviation standards, take stronger steps to implement poverty reduction measures, and ensure that all remaining poor people are lifted out of poverty. We will improve and effectively utilize  mechanisms for monitoring and assisting people who fall back into poverty and consolidate our gains in poverty alleviation. 
“六稳”“六保”   “六保”是今年“六稳”工作的着力点。守住“六保”底线,就能稳住经济基本盘;以保促稳、稳中求进,就能为全面建成小康社会夯实基础。 We must focus on maintaining security in the six areas in order to ensure stability on the six fronts. By doing so, we will be able to keep the fundamentals of the economy stable. Maintaining security will deliver the stability needed to pursue progress, thus laying a solid foundation for accomplishing our goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.
不断线的就业服务   今年高校毕业生达874万人,要促进市场化社会化就业,高校和属地政府都要提供不断线的就业服务。 With 8.74 million college students graduating this year, we need to encourage market-based employment and ensure that colleges and the governments of localities where they are located provide employment services to these students on an ongoing basis.
涉及就业的行政事业性收费    我国包括零工在内的灵活就业人员数以亿计,今年对低收入人员实行社保费自愿缓缴政策,涉及就业的行政事业性收费全部取消。 There are several hundred million workers, including casual laborers, in flexible employment in China. This year, low-income earners will be allowed to postpone the payment of their social insurance premiums, and all employment-related government charges will be cancelled.
以训稳岗    资助以训稳岗,今明两年职业技能培训3500万人次以上,高职院校扩招200万人,要使更多劳动者长技能、好就业。 We will finance skills training to stabilize employment. This year and next, more than 35 million vocational skills training opportunities will be provided, and enrollment in vocational colleges will grow by 2 million. This will help more people improve their skills and secure jobs.
以工代赈    支持农民就近就业创业,扩大以工代赈规模,让返乡农民工能打工、有收入。 We will help rural residents seek employment or start businesses in places close to their homes, and expand work-relief programs to ensure that those who return to their homes have a job and income.
一网通办   推动更多服务事项一网通办,做到企业开办全程网上办理。 We will work to see our people are able to access more government services via a single website and complete all procedures for starting a business online. 
“揭榜挂帅”    实行重点项目攻关“揭榜挂帅”,谁能干就让谁干。 We will introduce an open competition mechanism to select the best candidates to lead key research projects.
线上线下融合   支持餐饮、商场、文化、旅游、家政等生活服务业恢复发展,推动线上线下融合。 We will support the recovery and development of food and beverage, brick and mortar shopping, culture, tourism, domestic services, and other consumer services, and promote the integration of online and offline consumption. 
“两新一重”    重点支持既促消费惠民生又调结构增后劲的“两新一重”建设  Priority will be given to new infrastructure and new urbanization initiatives and major projects, which not only boost consumption and benefit the people, but also facilitate structural adjustments and enhance the sustainability of growth.
新型基础设施建设    发展新一代信息网络,拓展5G应用,建设充电桩,推广新能源汽车,激发新消费需求、助力产业升级。 we will step up the construction of new types of infrastructure. We will develop next-generation information networks and expand 5G applications. We will build more charging facilities and promote wider use of new-energy automobiles. We will stimulate new consumer demand and promote industrial upgrading.
应出尽出   各地要清理取消对就业的不合理限制,促就业举措要应出尽出,拓岗位办法要能用尽用。 All local governments need to overhaul or rescind excessive restrictions on employment, and adopt all possible measures to bolster employment.
应延尽延   中小微企业贷款延期还本付息政策再延长至明年3月底,对普惠型小微企业贷款应延尽延,对其他困难企业贷款协商延期。 The policy allowing micro, small, and medium businesses to postpone principal and interest repayments on loans will be further extended till the end of March next year—payments on all inclusive loans of micro and small businesses eligible for this policy should also be deferred, and other businesses facing financial difficulties can discuss similar terms with their creditors. 
湖北发展一揽子政策   实施好支持湖北发展一揽子政策,支持保就业、保民生、保运转,促进经济社会秩序全面恢复。 We will implement a package of policies to support Hubei’s development, helping it ensure employment, public wellbeing, and normal operations, and spurring the full recovery of economic and social activity there.
生命至上   坚持生命至上,改革疾病预防控制体制,完善传染病直报和预警系统,坚持及时公开透明发布疫情信息。 We will always put life above everything else. We will reform the system for disease prevention and control, improve mechanisms for direct reporting and early warning of infectious diseases, and ensure prompt, open, and transparent release of epidemic information.
应保尽保   扩大低保保障范围,对城乡困难家庭应保尽保,将符合条件的城镇失业和返乡人员及时纳入低保。对因灾因病遭遇暂时困难的人员,都要实施救助。 Subsistence allowances will be expanded to cover all families in difficulty, and such allowances will be made promptly available to eligible urban unemployed people and migrant workers who have returned home. We will ensure assistance is provided to anyone who runs into temporary difficulty because of disaster or illness.
宪制责任   我们要全面准确贯彻“一国两制”、“港人治港”、“澳人治澳”、高度自治的方针,建立健全特别行政区维护国家安全的法律制度和执行机制,落实特区政府的宪制责任。 We will fully and faithfully implement the policy of One Country, Two Systems, under which the people of Hong Kong govern Hong Kong and the people of Macao govern Macao, with a high degree of autonomy for both regions. We will establish sound legal systems and enforcement mechanisms for safeguarding national security in the two special administrative regions, and see that the governments of the two regions fulfill their constitutional responsibilities. 




2019年 领导人重要讲话资料整理


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