Diary 20190730

作者: JackyHCXP | 来源:发表于2019-07-30 05:20 被阅读73次
Diary 20190730


A life without passion is a life half-lived

I woke up at 5:20 today, I keep the temperature of the air condition at 25C degree all night.

As usual,I did the data analysis for the past 24Hs, and the actual PPM is 4306, and the target is 4200 without meet the target due to we adjust some production volume to the next month. I would like to enhance the PPM target by 100 on the current target.

I will wait for the car to the market supervision administration.

The CEO of the Faurecia announced that they will retire 17% employees in China and close 7 plants in China meanwhile.

Ford also will stop working with China and pull out of Chinese market.n

These ews are bad for the automotive parts business.

I just end the Skype meeting with the R&D center, I din't know that they din't know the changes about the GB5763, so I will send the GB5763-2018 to the R&D center for review, the main changes are that change the GB test to Krauss test and fiction coefficient.

it is heavy raining now.

I am in a very bad mood, because the market supervision administration still insist to punish our compamy at least 20K RMBs.

there are 5 nonconformity items for this audit

1 APQP process the consistency between the PFMEA & CP, we should ask the supplier of the child part submit the material composition analysis report, we only write the requirement in the PFMEA, but didn't write into the CP

2 tooling validation process

3 validation for the long term stop production

4 the OTC on the customer side

5 the supplier management for the OTD of HT

we should close the 5 nonconformity items within 2 months.

My son hurted his friend in the kindergarten on the side of the forehead.


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