隐公 元年
初,郑武公娶于申,曰武姜,生庄公及共叔段。庄公寤生,惊姜氏,故名曰寤生,随恶之。爱共叔段,欲立之。亟请与武公,公弗许。及庄公即位,为之请制。公曰:“制,岩邑也,虢叔死焉,佗邑为命。”请京,使居之,谓之京城大叔。蔡仲曰:“都,城过百雉,国之害也。先王之制:大都,不过三国之一;中,五之一;小,九之一,今京不度,非制也,君将不堪。” 公曰:“姜氏欲之,焉辟害?” 对曰:“姜氏何焉之有?不如早为之所,无使滋蔓!蔓,难图也。蔓草犹不可除,况君之宠弟乎?” 公曰:“独行不义必自毙,子故待之。”
Guke Yin First Year
Duke Wu of Zheng had married a daughter of the House of Shen, called Wu Jiang, who bore duke Zhuang and his brother Duan of Gong. Duke Zhuang was born as she was waking from sleep (the meaning of the text is uncertain,which frigntened the lady so that she named him Wusheng( = born in waking), and hated him, while she loved Duan, and wished him to be declared his father's heit. Often did she ask this of Duke Wu, but he refused it. When duke Zhuang came to the earldom, she begged him to confer on Duan the city of Zhi. " It is too dangerous a place," was the reply, "The Younger of Guo died there; but in regard to any other place, you may command me." She then requested Jing and there Duan took up his residence, and came to be styled Taishu ( = the Great Younger) of Jing city. Zhong of Zhai said to the duke, "Any metropolitan city, whose wall is more than 3,000cubits round, is dangerous to the State. According to the regulation of the former kings, such a city of the 1st order can have its wall only a third as long as that of the capital; none of the second order, only a fifth as long,; and one of the cleast order, only a ninth. Now Jing is not in accordance with these measures and regulations. As ruler, you will not be endure Duan in such a place." he duke replied, " It was our mother's wish; ----how could I avoid the danger?" "The lady Jiang," returned the officer, "is not to be satisfied. You had better take the necessary precautions, and not allow the danger to grow up so great that it will be difficult to deal with it. Even grass, when it has grown ana spread all about, cannot be removed; ---- how much less the brother of yourself, and the favoured brother as well!" The duke said:" Bt many deeds of unrightecousness he will bring destruction to himself. Do you only waid a while."