
unscathed 未受伤的
hooting incessany 不停地
blow by blow 一拳一拳的
an account of 报告,叙述

nick 偷窃
flagon 大肚酒瓶
into the groove 凹槽

sausage rolls 腊肠卷
custard creams 卡仕达酱,乳蛋糕乳脂

roast ox 烤牛

peckish 有点饥饿的
on strike 罢工
leaflet 传单
put them off the cooking 阻止
cause a diversion 转移注意力
canary 金丝雀
moulted 脱毛

sleet to 下雨夹雪
draughty through the castle 通风的,通风良好的
black sails 黑帆
billowing against 翻滚的
caravan 大篷车
trough 饲料槽
light headed 头晕目眩的
repulsive 令人讨厌的
transpire 蒸发
strewn 撒满
smouldering wreckage 缓慢烧焦的残骸

hold the Skeewt off with their sparks

stoutly 坚决地
singed 烧光
signaling the end of the lesson 暗示
consolingly 感到安慰地

Pluto 冥王星(希腊神话中的神)
frivolous 无聊的,轻佻的
needlework 刺绣
consult the orb overpowered me 商量,商议,天体
in outsize specs. 特大的规格
extra-concentrated ghost 额外集中的
sinisterly 邪恶地

intrigued 好奇的
regurgitated 吐出,反刍
cotton on 理解
rope us into 说服某人帮助或参与

barge into 闯入
mounds of 一大堆
in the midriff 膈,中腹部
his navel 肚脐
tea-cosy 茶壶外面的保温套

be clear of food 弄明白
toga 宽外袍

to stem the flow 阻止
dribbling 滴下

uphold old codger 疯疯癫癫的老人家
bawled 嚎啕大哭,大喊大叫

go well with 相配
press in 逼近

dawn on them 来临,降临
eclair 手指小饼干