姓名: 朱洁文
柔柔 14岁 宁宁 10岁
小组: 第2组
1. 家长目标:
完成情况: 基本做到,打卡率100%
2. 孩子目标:
完成情况: 基本做到
Throughout the 90 day time management course, I have learnt many new things including how to effectively and efficiently time manage my time. Ever since I learnt the new skills, schoolwork had been easier to manage and I have been able to balance my lifestyle with both sports, work and fun time. Additionally, during the time in which I travel on the train and bus to and from school , I have used this time to do many things instead wasting it, this way I finish my things productively and to the best of my abilities,, therefore I am able to have more free time if I finish all my work. I prioritise the most important and urgent work to do first before I do the other unimportant businesses. Before the time management classes, I found the day too short with only 24 hrs, this is mainly due to procrastination and always doing small unnecessary work first. Also, I enjoyed running before but I never really took the initiative to run, but after the classes, I feel very influenced by everyone and the environment. I have become more motivated towards running and keeping healthy and staying fit. Sometimes, I found it really tiring to 打卡 and record my times everyday but now it has become part of my daily routine. Recording my times every morning reminds me to be well aware of time, otherwise time will slip through our fingers before we even know it. Time is one of the things which we can’t get back no matter what and will only ever continue moving forward. Thus, we must not waste the precious time and cherish it and use it well. Yi Xiao Neng time management has had a large positive impact on my daily life.
My official 90 Day Daka Report.
My report of this year's 90 days of DaKa will include pomodoroes, frogs, and many others.
My pomodoro clocks at the start wasn't very efficient. It got better eventually.
Frogs were something I wasn't very good at. Now I realized, though, that it's important to do frogs first. In the future I will try do more frogs.
DaKa was an official everyday thing. I wake up in the mornings and the first thing I needed to do was DaKa. Although it was a bit tiring, I liked it alot and I never left it out of my morning routines. Things changed for me when I entered the Yi Xiao Neng Time Management Classes. Before I entered, I didn't use my time efficiently, but now, I become more 'managed' with my homework and time. I think Yi Xiao Neng definitely helps me to become more efficient. I am sure many others like me would be benefited from Time Management Classes.
With my DaKa sheets, I have made them into a calendar booklet. I also made a front and back cover. On the back, I dedicate my achivements to Yi Xiao Neng, My Mum, My Sister RouRou and others who helped me along the path to Progress.



1. 早睡早起做得很好,即便在假期,孩子们也能够以终为始,作息有序,早睡早起
2. 物有本末,事有终始,知其先后,则近道矣。妹妹虽然还没能做到每次放学回家以后先'吃掉青蛙',但已清楚的认识到把重要的事优先做的好处和必要性,吃青蛙的效率明显提升了
3. 姐姐坚持收听叶老师的时间管理100讲,每日打卡,自我计划,自我管理的能力不断提升
4. 姐姐从第三个30天开始练习长跑并制定了训练计划,首个10公里顺利完成,现在已报名并准备参加墨尔本10月14日Medibank 10km 马拉松赛


5. 从来没有跑步习惯,而且对跑步望而生畏的妈妈开始尝试学习跑步了。目前只是根据自己的体能和个人情况,快走慢跑相结合,没有设定每周运动公里目标,以自我感觉舒适为度,希望能莫忘初衷,保持对跑步的兴趣,享受与之带来的身心愉悦和满足感的同时,期待能持续坚持下去,培养起运动规律和习惯,以达到循序渐进的锻炼目的
1. 烂开始,好结果。先完成,再完美。放弃完美主义,告别拖延症,养成立即行动的习惯,把信念变成现实
2. 专注目标,启动第一个基石习惯,然后以点带面,用一个习惯带动另一个习惯,造成连环效应,让更多好习惯自然发生。播种习惯,收获命运,在不知不觉中,你已成为了更好的自己。非常感谢濮老师90天践行地图的设计,让妹妹可以从每天撕日历打卡开始,专注早睡早起,掌握精髓理念,建立起第一个好习惯,树立信心,继而触类旁通循序渐进的建立起更多好习惯,收获了更多的惊喜
3. 这段时间坚持每日打卡,在不知不觉中养成了写日记的习惯,也切身体验到它带来的好处。没有反思就没有改正,每天早起做计划反思,可以让你抓大放小,提高效能。写晨间日记可以帮助我们诚实的面对自己,检视内心,反省行为,督促计划落地实践,提升效率,达成目标
5. 感谢易效能,感谢丫丫老师,感谢濮老师带给我们时间管理的理念和实践方法,让我们生命得以重塑,开启父母和孩子共同成长之旅,收获了一份大大的惊喜!感谢易效能给我和孩子带来的改变,学习时间管理就是为了更好的应用,90天只是一个起点,希望我们在未来许多个90天里,继续践行,慢慢消化,把学到的知识转化为己用,培养出更多好习惯,播种快乐人生