
作者: Ternq8 | 来源:发表于2017-08-11 16:00 被阅读18次

    I thought of all day today. I was at the zoo. 这一天都想到你了,因为去了趟动物园。

    I would ask you how old you are but I know you can not count that high. 我本打算问你多大岁数了,但是意识到你数不出那么高的数字。

    They say opposites attract. I hope you meet someone who is good-looking, intelligent and cultured. 都说异性相吸,我希望你会遇到一个长得好看,聪明又有教养的人。

    As an outsider,  what do you think of human race? 旁观者清,那么你是如何看待人类的。

    Go ahead, tell them everything you know. It will only take 10 second. 赶紧的,炫出你的所有知道的东西,也就10秒够你说的了。

    Are your patents siblings?你父母是亲兄妹吗?

    Ordinarily people live and learn. You just live. 一般人都是学到老活到老,而你就只是活着。

    You are dark and handsome.  When it is dark, you are handsome. 你是黑而帅,就是说天黑了你变帅了。

    How did you get and here,did someone leave your cage open? 你怎么找到这里的,谁把你笼子门给打开了啊?

    We heard that when you ran away from home your folks sent you a note saying, "Don't come home and everything will be forgiven!" 听说你离家出走后,你家人捎信说“只要你不回来我们就原谅你!”

    When god was throwing intelligence down the Earth, you were holding an umbrella. 当上帝将智慧洒下到地球的时候,你却撑着伞!

    When I look into your eyes, I see the back of your head! 当我盯着你的双眼,看到的却是你的后脑勺子!





