

作者: xiaoke_donkey | 来源:发表于2022-04-02 11:35 被阅读0次


    英文 中文
    Hello. How are you? 你好啊 过得怎么样呢
    I can't hear you and I'm not interested. 我听不到 我也没兴趣
    No, I am. 有 我有兴趣
    I'm not. So back to me. 我才没有呢 好 来说说我
    Now, previously in my life... 回顾往事
    I proved that living alone can be genuine fun. 我证明了自己住是非常有意思的
    I really embarrassed myself in front of Gary. 在Gary面前我真是丢死大人了
    Yeah. As long as you fill it 对啊 只要你能把
    - with good sausage meat. - Ooh, naughty! - 好的香肠肉装进去 - 好坏哦
    I know. And what else? 我知道 还有什么呢
    Oh, yes. My mother showed me her holiday photos. 对了 妈妈给我看了她度假的照片
    Around the headland there was another lovely beach... 在那个海岬附近还有另一个很美的沙滩
    Was the whole island nudist? 岛上所有的人都裸体么
    Oh, that's a good one of your father. 你爸这张照片很好
    Stop zooming in! 不要再放大了
    You never recover from something like that. 无药可医的内伤
    Quickly, on with the show... 快点来看好戏吧
    Right, taster number four. 四号品鉴师
    Maybe you'll enjoy this one. Gratinee de Saint Jacques... 你没准会喜欢这个 圣雅克烤菜
    I love having a chef friend. 有个厨师朋友真好
    Because you appreciate fine food? 因为你喜欢好吃的食物
    It's more that it's free food, Gary. 更重要的是免费啊 Gary
    Free food! 白吃
    That's it. You clearly don't appreciate my work, 到此为止吧 很明显你不尊重我的劳动成果
    I go to all this effort, all you can say about it is it's free. 我费了这么大劲 你就只知道是免费的
    I've never been more aroused. 我从没这么性趣盎然过
    Off putting. They're doing that kissing but not kissing thing. 真闹心 他们要亲又不亲
    Either do or don't! 亲或者不亲选一个
    That's Chris and Alison, they're lovely. 那是Chris和Alison 他们很有爱的
    It's a bit much. 有点过了
    Now, Gary, now that was delicious. Gary 那菜太好吃了
    Thank you, Chris. 谢谢你 Chris
    It's a new menu I'm working on. 那是我正在研究的新菜
    We thought so, didn't we, Mr. Papa Bear? 我们也是这么觉得 是吧 熊爸爸先生
    Yes, we did, my wet nosed cub. 对啊 我们就觉得是 我的鼻涕小熊熊
    Such a good chef. 顶级厨师啊
    Said it at the same time! 太默契了
    And said that at the same time. 又默契一次
    Oh, lovely. 真好
    Yes, sorry this is my friend Miranda. 谢谢 这位是我朋友 Miranda
    Hello, lovely. 你好 小亲亲
    Get off! 死开
    - Puddings? - Puddings. - 要布丁么 - 要布丁
    - Puddings. - Puddings. - 布丁么 - 布丁
    Puddings, my wet nosed cub. 布丁 鼻涕疙瘩小姐
    Stop it. Actually, it's a really sweet story. 不要这样实际上 他俩有段很甜蜜的故事
    They were friends at university, 他们是大学同学
    and they said they'd get married if they were still single at 40. 他们约定如果到了四十岁还都是单身的话就结婚
    She was his safety wife? People actually do that? 她是他的备胎老婆 还真有人这么做
    They don't look 40. 他们看起来不像40的
    They're not. He took her off to Paris last year and proposed. 他们没到呢 他去年带她去了巴黎 还求婚了
    - Do you have a safety wife? - No. - 你有备胎老婆么 - 没有
    Why, are you offering? 为什么这么问 你要当么
    Yes, please, very much so, thanks for asking, 就是 没错 非常愿意
    thank you please very much please. 踹死我都愿意
    OK. All right. 好吧
    So what age would we set the date at? 那约定个什么年龄呢
    - 55 - 35 - 55? - 35?
    55, I meant. Is 55? 55 我是说55 确定55么
    35? That's next year. 35 那不就是明年么
    You're meant to allow time to meet Mr. Right first. 你得留点时间先去找找你的白马王子
    No. Exactly. Of course, absolutely. 必须的 当然了
    Cos we don't want this. This would not be ideal. 谁愿意要你啊 你一点都配不上我
    Grim. Yuckety yuck at you. You make me feel bleugh. 你恶心的要死 看到你连胃都吐出来了
    So...yeah. 好吧
    Just to be safe, I know it's 21 years hence, 保险起见 我知道虽然还有21年呢
    but should I book a venue? 我们要不要定个场地
    Oh, sorry. 不好意思
    55 is insulting. 55是人身攻击啊
    Well, as I say, it works so you allow time to meet the one. 我说了的 你得留点时间去找白马王子
    But if something happens before you're 55 但是如果在你55之前遇到了那个他
    then you don't ignore it. 千万不要迟疑
    If there's a "Moment", 如果有那个"机会"
    then clearly the rules are 理所当然的
    - you go to Paris and get engaged. - A moment. - 你们就去法国订婚了 - 机会
    Deal with this Miranda. Elegance. 考验我的时刻到了 优个雅
    Stevie Stevie Stevie Stevie Stevie, Stevie, Stevie, Stevie...
    I'm busy! I've got to leave early to talk to my builders. 我在忙 我得早点走 得去和建筑工人们谈谈
    Yeah, but I've got news. 好的 但是我有新闻
    Anyway, this is a night school prospectus. 这不是夜校简介么
    Yes. I'm doing a French course and I'll tell you pour quoi... 是啊 我在上法语课 我告诉你为啥子
    so we can start to go international, sales wise... 这样我们就能走向世界了
    Two things to say, firstly... 两件事要说 第一
    and, secondly, needy, high maintenance friend 第二件 求关注 你的高又高朋友
    with news - Bonjour! 有新闻 你好伐
    Gather please. Right. 集合一下
    Gary has asked me to be his safety wife. Gary让我做他的备胎老婆
    But, he said, obviously, if something happens before 但是 他很明确的说 如果在那之前发生了什么
    then we wouldn't ignore it. 我们不要忽视它
    If there was a moment. 如果真有那么一刹那
    He's considering there might be a moment between us, Stevie. 他是在想我俩之间的一刹那 Stevie
    I've got to create a moment and do some woo-ing. 我得制造点浪漫 做点示爱的事
    It's harder to say than you imagine that. 你说出来比你做出来更难
    Woo-ing. Woo-ing. 示爱 示爱
    Getting away from the point... 跑偏了
    I need to create a romantic, spontaneous moment 我得制造点浪漫 顺其自然的一刻
    so Gary sees me in a sexual light. 我的性感之光会闪瞎Gary的眼
    Sorry, how is Gary ever going to see YOU in a... 不好意思 Gary怎么会看到你
    No, no, what I mean is, you're... 不是 不是 我是说 你
    No, you're just not very, you know, you know. 不是 你不是非常 你懂得
    No, what I mean is, you know, you don't have... 不是 我的意思是 你没有
    No, what you're, 不是 你有的是
    what you're not... you're not like me. 你没有 你不像我
    You're just, you're just very British aren't you? 你只是 你只是很英国范儿 是吧
    - I mean say "Sex". - Sex - 说"性" - 性
    You know I don't like to say it. 你知道我不爱说这个词
    I prefer the term "Shenanigans". 我更倾向于"小计谋"
    Sounds nicer. And you're British! 听上去更好 你也是英国人啊
    British in nationality, yeah, 只是英国国籍
    but when it comes to the language of love, 当提到爱的语言的时候
    I'm practically Spanish. 我就是西班牙人了
    Just a look in my eye and pheromones are released. 看着我的眼睛 一切都明了了
    Only me, darling. Hi, Stevie, how are you? 我来了 亲爱的 你好 Stevie 你怎么样呢
    - OK. Although... - Just a turn of phrase. - 还好 虽然 - 只是客套一下
    Can I leave this with you? 我能把这个留给你么
    Your old diaries. Which I have to say, 你小时候的日记
    make very interesting reading. 写得真是太搞笑了
    - You read them?! - Of course. - 你居然看了 - 当然
    Like Anne Frank but more depressing. 堪比<安妮日记>的绝望升级版
    Can't they stay at home? 就不能把它们留在家里么
    No. We've cleared out your old room 不行 我们把你的房间腾空了
    because we've extended the bathroom 因为我们要扩建浴室
    and we're fitting a Jacuzzi. 还要装个按摩浴缸
    Must dash - The Evening News'll be out. 得赶紧走了 晚间新闻要开始了
    We're looking at the personals to find you someone 我们得看看人事名单给你物色一个
    and I don't want your father to start without me. 我不想你爸爸一个人先开始
    He only circles white people 他只选白人
    and I've told him, when it comes to finding you a husband, 我告诉过他 在给你找老公的问题上
    we can't afford to be racist. 我们不能种族歧视
    We will consider a BLACK man. 我们要考虑黑人
    You can say black. It's fine. 你可以说黑 没关系的
    - Are you sure it's not RACIST... - No. - 你确定不是种族歧视 - 不是
    Oh, well then I do love a BLACK man! 我真心喜欢黑人啊
    Such fun! 太搞笑了
    That mouthing words thing's a real Middle Class tick. 那口型语绝对是中产阶级标志啊
    I know. At least she was doing it properly this time. 我知道 至少这次她没有用错
    She gets confused and does it the wrong way round. 她经常搞混 该用不该用的经常弄反
    The other day she said, 有天她说
    "You know those two women next door, LESBIANS." '咱们隔壁那两个女人 是同性恋'
    Exactly. Stevie always underestimates me. 就是啊 Stevie总是小看我
    I knew I could do romance. 我知道我能搞浪漫
    - Summer lovin' had me a blast - Ooh, it's our song! - 夏日爱恋让我如此尽兴 - 是我们的歌
    Summer lovin' happened so fast 夏日爱恋让我措手不及
    I met a girl crazy for me 我遇到一个为我疯狂的女孩
    I met a guy cute as can be 我遇到一个帅气无比的男孩
    Summer days driftin' away to uh-oh, those summer nights 夏日渐渐远去 这夏日的夜晚
    Uh! Tell me more, tell me more 告诉我 继续说
    Like did he have a car 比如他是否有车
    This is not a hoover being a man! 这个不是胡佛吸尘器做的人
    - Stevie! - Miranda, I've got subsidence. - Stevie - Miranda 我家地面下陷了
    Please can I stay with you? Thanks. 我能住你这么 谢谢
    I've got a Gary plan. 我想到一个"Gary计划"了
    - Come in! - Thank you. - 请进 - 谢谢
    Although, I was thinking maybe I shouldn't bother. 虽然 我在想要不还是算了
    I don't even know if I want a relationship. 我都不确定我是不是想要一段恋情
    Somebody knowing everything about me. 要有一个人了解我的一切
    I mean, do I really want somebody knowing 我真的想让人知道
    that sometimes I dress up as the Queen 有时候我打扮成女王
    and record her speech 还录下她的演讲吗
    and I watch it back to see 然后我还要倒回去看看
    what it would be like if I was the Queen. 要是我是女王的话会是什么样
    - Do you actually do that? - No. - 你真的这样做 - 没有
    Yes! 必须有
    You can stay, but please don't take over my life. 你可以留下来 但是不要喧宾夺主
    You'll hardly notice me! 我就是透明人
    Especially if Gary's here... 尤其是Gary在的时候
    OK, your plan? 好吧 说说你的计划
    Why don't you come with me to my French course? Yes? 你为啥不跟我去上法语课 多好啊
    Passionate, sophisticated language, mon cherie. 富有激情又精致的语言 我的宝贝儿
    - Are you saying I'm unsophisticated? - Bottom. - 你是说我不够精致么 - 发自内心的
    Bottom! 臀部
    Look, classroom, remembering my school days 教室 让我想起学校生活
    isn't going to help me feel passionate. 一点激情都没有
    Apparently the teacher is cute. 不过老师很可爱
    Although if he is he's mine. 但是就算他是谁的也得是我的
    Come on, you need a bit of chic 你需要点雅致的东西
    - to get you in the romantic zone. - OK. - 给你增加点浪漫 - 好吧
    I refer you to the last time 提醒一下 你上次
    you attempted something in this field. 想搞点浪漫的时候
    - Hi there. - Oh! Hi. - 你好 - 你好




