古典的新书《跃迁》里,将“只看到事物,看不到事物背后的系统” 的人,称为现代社会的三季人。(三季人,源自孔子与弟子的对话,见下图)
而刻意练习的目的,就是让我们能更高效的成长,逐级而上,“站得高,看得远”,方能 “既见树木,又见森林”。
English Summary:
So far, we have finally gotten the general idea of deliberate practice, whose main purpose is to develop our effective mental representations. And, as we learned from the book, mental representations also in turn play a key role in deliberate practice.
Deliberate practice is purposeful practice that knows where it is going and how to get there, while purposeful practice requires us to get outside our comfort zone, to be focused on our well-defined and actionable goals, and to maintain our **motivation **from instant but also effective feedbacks.
Moreover, deliberate practice also requires us to have a teacher or coach who is familiar with the effective training techniques from the expert performers in the field. And the field itself must have a highly developed set of skills that are available to be taught. Only this can we get the most benefits from deliberate practice.
In addition, the authors have criticized that "the ten-thousand-hour rule", created by Malcolm Gladwell in his best-seller book Outliers, was partially wrong. The "ten-thousand-hour" is only a nice round number to remember, because the effective practice hours required to be an expert performaner vary from field to field. It was simply interpreted as a promise that almost anyone can become an expert in a given field as long as he/she is putting in ten thousans hours of practice.
Therefore, the truth is that how further improvements we will reach is up to how many hours we put in deliberate practice.
Selected Words and Expressions:
To see how this works, I’ll borrow one of Sanders’s medical mysteries—one that only a handful of readers solved correctly, out of more than two hundred who sent in answers.
a handful of something, 我的理解是一只手可以数的过来的,所以表示“少量的,一小部分”, a very small number of people or things.
例句:There were a handful of men in the audience when I saw the film.
仿造句:Only a hanful of children can get the rewards.
需注意,be a handful,后面不加 of, 是表示“棘手,不好控制” 的意思,[informal], someone, especially a child, who is a handful = is difficult to control. 传说中的“熊孩子” !
例句:She’s a lovely child, but she can be a bit of a handful sometimes. to have an apples-to-apples comparison, we looked at the accumulated amount of practice through age seventeen and the skill level at age eighteen.
apples-to-apples comparison, 从字面上看,拿苹果和苹果对比,不难理解为是“同类之间的对比”,be used to describe a comparison between two things that are similar in nature.
此外,还有一个类似的表达:apples-to-oranges comparison,苹果和橘子比,言外之意就是两者之间没有可比性,硬要对比的话就很荒谬了. A comparison that is unfair because the subjects cannot be evaluated according to the same criteria.
趣味延伸,apples to apples,最初指的是一种4-10人之间玩的纸牌游戏。324张“红苹果”牌上印的是名词,108张“绿苹果”牌上是形容词,具体玩法是,选出一张“绿苹果”形容词牌,看哪个人手中拿的“红苹果”名词牌,能够match到最多,谁就赢了。(有点意思哈)
The object of the game is to win the most rounds by playing a "red apple" card (324,which generally features a noun) from one's hand to best "match" that round's communal "green apple" card (108,which contains an adjective) as chosen by that round's judging player. The game is designed for four to ten players and played for 30–75 minutes.
Thus a good rule of thumb is to seek out people who work intimately with many other professionals, such as ......
rule of thumb, a rough figure or method of doing something that is based on experience and common sense rather than exact calculation,意思是“根据实验结果或者经验得出的大概结论”.
例句:A good rule of thumb for keeping your closet organized is to get rid of any clothes you haven't worn in the past year.
仿造句:My friends told me that I should tip bellmen $1 per bag, as a rule of thumb.
......Gladwell offered a catchy phrase: "the ten-thousand-hour rule."
catchy, 形容词,意思是“引人注意的,容易记住的”,appealing and easy to remember;例如,catchy title,吸睛的标题;
所以 catchy phrase 指的是“朗朗上口的经典语句,流行语”,a short well-known phrase made popular by an entertainer or politician, so that people think of that person when they hear it.
仿造句:There are so many catchy phrases hidden in this book.