
作者: 红云梦泽 | 来源:发表于2019-04-25 07:32 被阅读116次

  The period of revolution and restoration was a tempestuous period. The struggle between bourgeois and feudalism was severe and finally the two sides compromised and established constitutional mornachy.


The 17 century was also called puritan age, because the bourgeois was at the stage called the accumulation of capital, so they need not to be extravagant and pleasure-seeking.


Therefore, the theatre was closed down and the development of the drama was at its downs. The 17 century was also called the age of milton and John milton was the writer of Paradise Lost that based on the biblical legend of Adam and Eve.


John Bunyan was famous for its the Pilgrim’s process and John Done was famous for its metaphysical poems like Flee.


The age of Enlightenment was also called the age of Pope. To me, Pope’s many sentence had its wisdom in it, like”To err is human,to forgive,divine” ,which was similar to ancient Chinese saying “human is  not a  sage, to err is common”. “We first to endure, then pity ,then embrace .”

启蒙时期被称为蒲柏时代 。对我来说,蒲柏的许多名言都具有警示意义,比如“犯错是人,原谅为神”与中文里“人非圣贤,孰能无过”有异曲同工之妙。以及“我们一开始认识,再同情,然后接受。”

The novel appeared during the 18 century. The famous novelist Daniel foe used Robinson crusoe to express a man used his perseverance and his natural power to conquer the wild nature and finally survived in the barren island.


On the other hand, he showed Robinson’s nature as a capitalist when he rescued a man and made him his slave. In the poetry, there were so many famous poets,like Thomas Gray,his Elegy written in a country churchyard is a representative of sentimentalism.


The extract “the curfew tolls the knell of parting day, the lowing herd wind slowly o’er the lea,the plowman homeward plods his weary way,and leaves the world to darkness and to me”,which gave a vivid picture full of sorrow and agony.


In my perspective, this poem have the shadow of Chinese poem. For example, the lines “falling flower and flowing water represents the dying of spring, both of the heaven and earth” shared the similar characters.


William Blake wrote the tyger and its popularity in Britain can rival to Tang poem,such as Libai’s Thought in the night. Robert Burns, the people’s poet,which was famous for his Scottish dialect used in poems and his poems were lucid and simple.


If I was asked to find a similar poet in China, I would pick Baijuyi for they were both celebrated for their lucid and simple style.





