In the Romantic period, the two generation of poets were like the two groups of stars and they were using their poems to inspiring people.
The passive group was like stars that at the beginning their light was strong but finally darkened and hid behind the clouds. However, the active group was like stars shining its utmost brightness and always was burning the fuel of their passion and their life.
There were also many novelists,such as Walter scott and Jane Austen. Jane Austen was an interesting woman and she use very few material and very narrow viewpoint to created such brilliant works.
Walter scott was the forerunner of historical book and because of his fame in literary field, his death meant the ending of Romanticism.
In the Victorian age,there were many great writer coming out.The three Bronte sisters were famous for their high literature achievements.
I would like to compare the three Bronte sisters to compare with Chinese three cao, including one father and two sons for their literature genius that be distinguished as a family was rare and entertaining.
Charlotte Bronte wrote Jane Eyre and delineated a girl pursing happiness and freedom with passion and perseverance and gradually changed into a wise,graceful lady.

From my perspective,she was a bird that can be be caged with fixed rules and barren surroundings and throttling patriarchal society because her feature was too bright.
What impressed me most was her making acquaintance with Helen Burns,who was her genuine friend.
Helen Burns was quite,knowledgeable, enduring and pious whereas Jane was passionate, energetic. Although their personalities were different,but they helped each other when life in the broad school was hell and they are compatible.
Helen’s deep mind and thought influenced Jane deeply and after Helen’s early death, Jane always saw her calm face and her wise word in her mind’s eye.
In other words, Helen lived in Jane Eyre’s heart and her word -life is too short ,and should not be used to bear grudges- inspired Jane Eyre to forgive and be divine. And then reason hold the reins and sitting, don’t let her emotion put her into a hole.