Keep your lives from free the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” ---Hebrews 13:5
Where is my mind going? Turn to God’s words, or turn to your own fears? Have I learned not to tell what God says, but to hear what he says before I speak? The Lord has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” So, let us boldly say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?”
“I will never forsake you.” Chinese Bible: “I will never leave you.” Whether I am sinful, selfish, stubborn, or rebellious, God will never leave you. Did I ask God to say to me, “I will not break my word?” If I ever heard God say so, let me hear him saying again now.
“Never will I forsake you.” Sometimes it is not the difficulty that makes me feel abandoned, but the boring life. There is no difficult mountain to climb, no vision to give, nothing exciting or beautiful, but just ordinary life day after day. –Have I heard such words from God under these circumstances?
In our thoughts, we think that God works wonders to equip us for great works. But if we live in God’s grace, we will find God glorifying himself here and now. If we have “This is what God says” behind us, the strangest power comes to us to sing and rejoice in our ordinary lives.
Dear God, resurrect your glory into our lives, our paths and our actions. May your healing, hope, grace and goodness be strong and strong with us today.
