配合在读的中文版《小岛经济学》,开始读《How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes》(链接:How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes (豆瓣))
原文:Once upon a time there were three men—Able, Baker, and Charlie—who lived alone on an island. Far from a tropical paradise, the island was a rough place with no luxuries. In particular, food options were extremely limited. The menu consisted of just one item: fish.
重温一下我们 long long ago 学过的短语:Once upon a time, 还记得小时候央求爸妈讲故事吗?我印象最深的是我妈讲的故事:从前有座山,山上有座庙,庙里有个老和尚,有一天老和尚对小和尚说:从前有座山,山上有座庙。。。后面的你该猜到了。对的,Once upon a time 就是“从前”的意思,类似的表达还有 in the past, in the old days.
接下来的一个词是 Rough, the island is a rough place. 学习英语词汇建议追根溯源,先通过词源字典了解一下原始出处,有助于理解记忆和使用。
我们来看看Rough的词源是怎么讲的,后面会布置一个作业,请你学习或回顾一下 Tough 这个词,并与 Rough 做一下比较。Rough在Online Etymology Dictionary中有三个词性,动词、名词和形容词
作名词用的时候(verb),词源的解释是:broken ground,断裂的大地,想一想大旱的时候大地的样子,对,就是那样。
做形容词的时候(adjective), 最早的词源是:ough, coarse (of cloth); hairy, shaggy; untrimmed, uncultivated,可以看出这些词都有一个特性:即粗糙,不平滑(Not Smooth),我们将这一特性用于形容不同的方面,比如:
形容人的性格不那么平顺:His manners are a bit rough, but he means well.
形容物体的表面不平滑:It is easy to drive on this road because it is very smooth. I don't like to drive on a rough road.
今天的日子过得不太顺:I had a rough day, but the show must go on. 生活还得继续阿
用一个句子串起来:He had a rough day on the rough island, you could tell from his rough manners when he was driving on the rough road.
接下来看一个短语:In Particular (specifically or especially distinguished from others) 表强调,比较特别地,我们可以学着用类似的词如 Particularly, Especially 来替代使用。
In particular, the word "Particularly" can be used in a way like this: "I particularly like the word "particularly"".
再接着看 Consist Of (consist of something to be made of particular parts or things)。这里的particular是不是挺熟悉的,对的,就是前面particularly 的形容词,也可作名词。
Consist of 是“由什么组成的”,我们还学过 be made of, composed of, comprise,他们的区别并不是很大,通常是语法上的差别。
比如,if A comprises X, Y, and Z, then X, Y, and Z compose A
我们还可以说:A is composed of X, Y and Z;
今天我们学了或者温习了 下面这些词,站起来出去溜达一下,便走便想想都学的是哪些词?
Once upon a time
in particular
consist of