

作者: 自然减压冥想 | 来源:发表于2019-03-18 08:27 被阅读55次

    对话三十二Talk 32.

    访客:圣者商坦亚尊者*[Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (1486–1534) 活跃在印度东部的印度教宗教领袖及社会改革者。根据《薄伽梵歌》和《薄伽梵往世书》极大兴起毗湿奴派中的虔信瑜伽(Bhakti yoga)。年幼时以博学闻名,后至加雅(印度东部比哈尔邦城市,印度教圣地,佛陀于此说法令一千拜火教徒皈依证果)为亡父祈祷时遇见他的上师自在普里,学得黑天曼陀罗,返回彭加里,从学者转变为虔信修者,成为当地毗湿奴派领袖。他最后二十四年在普里度过。他的弟子视他为毗湿奴黑天,以及黑天与其明妃拉达合一这两者的统一化身。]和罗摩克里希那尊者*[Ramakrishna (1836-1886)著名印度灵修者,被弟子称为Ramakrishna Paramahamsa。出生于婆罗门家庭,接受毗湿奴虔信派以及不二论吠檀多教授。亦同时修习伊斯兰教和基督教等其它宗教,认为一切教派都指向同一个目的。]在神前哭泣并取得成就。这难道不是可以追随的道路吗?尊者:是的。有力量(sakti)推着他们经历所有这些。对那种巨大力量的信仰,带你达到你的目标。眼泪常被看做是软弱的表现。显然这些伟大的人毫不软弱。这些显现只是携裹他们向前的涛涛巨流经过的象征。我们必须要看最后成就的终点。

    A visitor: The saints Sri Chaitanya and Sri Ramakrishna wept before God and achieved success. Is that not the path to follow?

    M.: Yes. There was a powerful force (sakti) drawing them on through all those experiences. Trust in that huge power to take you on to your goal. Tears are often considered a sign of weakness. These great persons were certainly not weak. These manifestations are only passing signs of the great current carrying them on. We must look to the end achieved.



    D.: Can this physical body be made to disappear into nothingness?

    M.: Why this question? Can you not find out if you are the body?





    D.: Can we have disappearance from sight (antardhana) like the yogis Vasishta or Viswamitra?

    M.: These are only physical matters. Is that the essential object of our interest? Are you not the Self? Why trouble about other matters? Take the essence; reject other learned theories as useless. They who think that physical disappearance counts in freedom are mistaken. No such thing is needed. You are not the body; what does it matter if it disappears in one way or another? There is no great merit in such phenomena. In what does superiority or inferiority consist? Achievement of the Real alone matters. The loss of the ‘I’ is the main fact, and not the loss of the body. Identity of the Self with the body is the real bondage. Leave off the false notion and perceive intuitively the Real. That alone matters.

    If you melt a gold ornament before testing it to be gold, what matters it how it is melted, whole or in parts, or of what shape the ornament was? All that you are interested in is if it is gold. The dead man sees not his body. It is the survivor that thinks about the manner in which the body is parted from. The realised have no death with or without the body, the realised man is equally aware and sees no difference. To him the one state is not superior to the other. To an outsider also the fortunes of a liberated one’s body need not be of any concern; mind your business. Realise the Self; after realisation there will be time to think of what form of death is preferable to you.

    It is the false identity of the Self with the body that causes the idea of preference, etc. Are you the body? Were you aware of it when you were fast asleep last night? No! What is it that exists now and  troubles you? It is ‘I’. Get rid of it and be happy.



