
作者: 胡说鸭 | 来源:发表于2019-09-17 16:28 被阅读0次

The last emperor- "from emperor to citizen"

Hello my friends, I am back with my episodes ,according to today's subject ,could you try to guess what i want to talking about ?

Yes ,PUYI ,This last emperor was borned in Qing age ,when he was 3 years old ,some of the royal relations and his father presented him to CIXI as a inheritor of emperor ,after the enthronement that meaned that small boy was an emperor but also he lost of his freeom from that time . around all of his life,he wanted to be a rules of QING dynasty like as his ancestor, but he failed .....

溥仪,这个末代皇帝出生在清朝,当他3岁的时候,他的皇室家族和他的父母把他送给慈禧做为皇帝的继承人,在登基仪式过后,这个三岁的小男孩成了皇帝,但同时他也失去了他的自由 ,在他的整个人生中,他想像他的祖先们一样成为一个真正的统治者,但他失败了。。。

After many setbacks ,he capitulated to the Japanese after marriage .


I think most of persons hated him about he capitulated the Japanese but do you know why he capitulated the Japanese and obeyed Janpanese's orders ? in his book and the film of his biography that he also hated the Janpanes but for some reasons, he stupid thought that Japanese can help him to have his own country to be a ruler finnaly ....so that the puppet Manchukuo established by Japanese with this emperor GUYI ,after the enthronement ,he got a lot of the vanity full of his heart , he thought that the Manchukuo was his was country at frist ,but actually ,he was not ,nobody admit him even the Japanese ,actually ,he had never control the Manchukuo or Qing dynasty , what a embarrassed exprience during his whole life.......


And in China where we never admit that , so that in this blood history of the special country called "puppet Manchukuo"


In order to occupied DONGBEI that Japanese used GUYI to did some heinous /terrible things in Dongbei, maybe nobody knows if GUDI did these things or not ? directly or indirectly ,



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