

作者: 育儿知识搬运工 | 来源:发表于2018-09-07 16:11 被阅读38次



我刚刚在俄勒冈州波特兰的艾默生学校做了一名在职教师,我的心脏已经满了。 这所学校是一个很棒的地方。 阅读他们的理念和他们的身体环境,你会知道为什么。 老师们非常有爱心和能干 - 他们喜欢正面管教。

星期五,我参观了课堂会议,感到非常满意。 这让我的生活看起来非常值得看到孩子们互相称赞,这些恭维是如此清晰,深思熟虑,具体而真诚。 倾听他们解决问题是如此的快乐。 他们彼此如此尊重并且如此思考,因为他们为解决问题进行了头脑风暴。 一个班级在播放建议的解决方案时有很多乐趣,因此学生可以练习做她认为可以解决问题的方法。 当他们从角色扮演中获得所学知识时,许多学生分享了他们以前从未注意到的洞察力。


在抵达波特兰之前,我一直在思考家庭作业和测试是否成为学生,家长和老师的痛苦来源是多么可悲。 事实上,我一直在考虑写一本名为“家庭作业和测试地狱”的书。 对我来说,家庭作业权力斗争占用了大量的家庭时间,这让我很难过。 我听到父母分享他们对好成绩的痴迷(他们感到很难让他们的孩子在学业上取得成就),并且悲伤地看着孩子们感到如此沮丧,因为他们感到“感觉”成绩对他们的父母来说比他们更重要。 这很痛,所以他们经常反叛或甚至故意表现出缺乏关注和动力。 有些人实际上放弃了,因为似乎不可能满足他们的所有期望。 在走进艾默生学校之前,我感到非常沮丧。

艾默生的员工在家庭作业和测试问题上苦苦挣扎。 他们知道测试和家庭作业不是学习的真正指标 - 事实上,通常会带走学习的乐趣。 他们仍然必须遵守州测试。 他们非常努力地通过确保他们拥有课程并在学习中获得真正快乐的机会来创造他们必须做的“荒谬”事物的平衡。

在我们星期六的服务期间,我想确保老师们也经历了学习的乐趣,因为我们参与了许多体验活动,包括“这是一个丛林在那里”,一种学习尊重不同现实和团队建设的有趣方式; “合作杂耍”,教导需要制定避免混乱的指导方针 - 并且每个人对小组的成功至关重要; “六个列表”创建一个地图(通过头脑风暴六个列表),关于我们对孩子的需求,以及挑战如何帮助我们通过了解如何避免只有善良或只有坚定的负面因素,以便我们能够体验积极因素既善良又坚定; “Top Card”帮助教师更好地了解他们自己的个性和他们邀请他人(儿童)的资产和责任,以及“教师帮助教师解决问题的步骤”,让教师学会在角色扮演中相互支持为了更好地理解行为挑战,以及鼓励使用具有挑战性的行为作为平台的头脑风暴,以培养学生良好品格的宝贵社交和生活技能。 当我说我们有很多乐趣并且学到了很多东西时,我相信我会为老师说话。

A Positive Discipline School in Portland, OR

I just returned from doing a teacher in-service at Emerson School in Portland, OR and my heart is full. This school is a wonderful place to be. Read about their philosophy and their physical setting and you will know why. The teachers are so loving and competent—and they love Positive Discipline.

On Friday, I visited class meetings and felt so gratified. It made my life's work seem so worthwhile to see children giving each other compliments that were so articulate, thoughtful, specific, and sincere. Listening to them solve problems was such a joy. They were so respectful of each other and so thoughtful as they brainstormed for solutions to problems. One class had a lot of fun role playing a suggested solution so the student could practice doing what she thought would solve the problem. When possessing what they learned from the role play, many of the students shared insights they had gained that they would not have noticed before.

The teachers confessed that they really don't have many problems to work on because the students have learned so much about respect and problem-solving from their daily exposure to Positive Discipline class meetings and other methods.

Before arriving in Portland I had been thinking about how sad it is that homework and testing has become such a source of misery for students, parents, and teachers. In fact, I have been thinking about writing a book titled, "Homework and Testing Hell." It is so sad to me that homework power struggles take up so much family time. I hear parents share their obsession with good grades (they feel so much pressure to have their children achieve academically), and sadly watch children feel so discouraged as they feel the "sense" that grades are more important to their parents than they are. This hurts, so they often rebel or get even by purposely showing a lack of concern and motivation. Some actually give up because it seems so impossible to meet all the expectations put upon them. I was feeling very discouraged until I walked into Emerson School.

The staff at Emerson struggles with the homework and testing issues. They know that tests and homework are not true indicators of learning—and, if fact, often take the joy out of learning. Still they have to comply with state testing. They work very hard to create a balance of the "ridiculous" things they have to do by making sure they have a curriculum and includes opportunities for true joy in learning.

During our Saturday in-service, I wanted to make sure the teachers also experienced the joy of learning as we engaged in many experiential activities including, "It's a Jungle Out There," a fun way to learn about respecting separate realities and team building; "Cooperative Juggling," to teach about the need for guidelines to avoid chaos—and that every person is essential to the success of the group; "Six Lists" to create a map (through brainstorming six lists) about what we want for our children, and how challenges can help us get there through understanding how to avoid the negatives of being only kind or only firm so we can experience the positives of being both kind and firm; "Top Card" to help teacher's gain a better awareness of the assets and liabilities of their own personalities and what they invite from others (children), and the "Teachers Helping Teachers Problem Solving Steps" where teachers learn to support each other in role playing for better understanding of a behavior challenge, and the brainstorming for encouraging ways to use the challenging behaviors as a platform for teaching students valuable social and life skills for good character. I believe I speak for the teachers when I say we had a lot of fun and learned a lot.



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