

作者: 育儿知识搬运工 | 来源:发表于2018-09-07 16:30 被阅读19次




    我通过播客回答了一些问题。 如果您愿意以这种方式回答您的问题,请告诉我。 我不能答应他们所有人,但一定会尝试。 (这么多美好的机会,没有足够的时间。)如果我能使用你的名字,也让我知道。


    我是两个活跃男孩的继母。 一个人6岁,一个人9岁。一年前搬进来之后,他们的父亲和我一直在用积极的方法养育孩子。 有些日子我们擅长它,有些日子我们不得不回到书本上。 我有两个问题。 你总是在谈论适当的后果。 你能否给出新手一些具体后果的具体例子? 当你的6岁(当时5岁)的幼儿园老师从未在日间照顾时,早上不会加速并且有丢失公共汽车的危险时,你能做些什么?

    我的第二个问题有点复杂。 它涉及他们的妈妈。 我们有孩子的唯一监护权,但她每隔一个周末都会获得探视权。 当孩子们和她在一起时,没有门徒。 他们熬夜熬夜,不吃任何营养,与她交谈,互相争斗(当他们和我们在一起时他们不做的一切)。 与她交谈不是一种选择,所以当孩子们和我们在一起时,我们会尽力而为。 但是有时需要整整一周才能让孩子们和她一起回到日常生活中。 我们可以处理,但现在夏天休息在这里,他们将与她在一起共6周。 (关闭和开启,我们安排它,所以孩子们一次不和她一起完整的6周。)所以问题变成了,我们如何保持积极的纪律和我们所学到的所有事情,当他们完全如此不同的环境?


    你们中的许多人可能已经阅读了关于没有更多逻辑后果的文章- 至少几乎没有 。 所有正面学科书籍现在都强调了关注解决方案的重要性。 我还在试着说出来。 您可能会发现以下播客答案有用。

    Logical Consequences and Avoiding Morning Hassles

    Question Answered Via the Positive Discipline Podcast .

    I have answered some questions via Podcasts. Please let me know if you are willing to have your question answered this way. I can't promise to get to all of them, but will certainly try. (So many wonderful opportunities, and not enough time.) Also let me know if I can use your first name.


    I am the step-mom of two active boys. One who is 6 and one who is 9. After I moved in a year ago, their father and I have been using your positive approach to raising our kids. Some days we are good at it and some days we have to go back to the books. I have two questions. You are always talking about appropriate consequences. Can you give a novice some specific examples for what appropriate consequences are? What can you do when your 6 (then 5 year old ) Kindergartner, who was never in day care, won't speed up in the morning and is in danger of missing the bus?

    My second question is a bit more complicated. It involves their mom. We have sole custody of the kids but she get visitation privileges every other weekend. There is no disciple when the kids are with her. They stay up as late as they want, eat nothing nutritious, talk back to her, fight with each other (All things they do not do when they are with us). Talking to her is not an option, so we do the best we can when the kids are with us. But sometimes is takes a full week to get the kids back to the routine after being with her. That we can kind of handle, but now summer break is here and they are going to be with her for 6 weeks total. (Off and on, we arranged it so the kids are not with her the full 6 weeks at one time.) So the question becomes, how do we keep positive discipline and all the things we have learned together going when they are in such completely different environments?


    Many of you may have read the article on No More Logical Consequences—At Least Hardly Ever . All of the Positive Discipline books now emphasize the importance of focusing on solutions. I'm still trying to get the word out. You may find the following Podcast answer helpful.




