The brightest star

作者: 晨曦_c503 | 来源:发表于2019-06-09 20:02 被阅读8次


    The brightest star in the night sky

    Which one is yours

    Search for

    The Sundowners

    A trace of clouds on the horizon

    It appeared at dust

    The brightest star

    Stay on the west horizon

    It's you

    Shining light

    The brightest star in the night sky

    Which one is yours

    Search for

    Dawn is coming

    The morning breeze wakes up the light in the darknes

    Start from the Dark

    The brightest star

    Appear in the sky of ten thousand miles in the East

    lt's you

    Far away from each other

    The brightest star in the night sky

    Which one is yours

    Search for

    From dusk to dawn

    Never stop

    I've been looking for it

    Same You

    Only I know

    You've been in the night and the day

    Existence in exchange




        本文标题:The brightest star
