

作者: 梦雨靖125 | 来源:发表于2017-06-25 15:37 被阅读12次

    第一部分  自我介绍

    Hello ,everyone !My name is SunnyYou can call me Sunny,Because I like the sun!Can you remember me?

    OK,my name is?(Sunny)



    第二部分  班级规则

    These are our rules,let's read it together.



    第三部分  授课部分

    Now let's begin our class ,first let's do a warm-up together ! From here you are group A,  and you are group B. Now let's have a PK, let me see which group is the best one . Let's do the action together.(26个英文字母操)

    OK. Stop here ,everyone did a great job! 2points for you.


    Now let's read our slogan together!(字母发音,我来播音!)OK,everyone stand up please, let's sing the alphabet song together! ...Do you remember all the sounds? Now I show ,you say !The first one , what's this ? Yes ,it's letter B, it sounds b. Everyone follow me, b, b,bbb. Very good! Next one it sounds d. Read after me!(用同样的方法讲述D F G H K L M N P R S T B W Y Z C K的发音).

    Practice:Now let's read all the sounds together.

                      I point you say.

                      Let's read it one by one.

    这些发音难不难呢?对,非常简单!我们一个人有时会扮演不同的角色,那在这些字母里,L ,R, C,他们也有两种发音,我们一起来认识一下他们的另一种发音。eg: C 再胖元音a,o,u 前发 /k/,C在瘦元音e,i,y前发/s/。

    Now open your book ,turn to page 6, let's sing

    the song of p,b,t,d,k and g.  Listen and sing.

    Very good!

    Now let's do some exercises. Listen and write the consonants your  hear.(做第六页到第九页的A)

    Let's check the answer.

    OK, now close your book.现在我们学会了辅音单音的发音,那两个辅音连在一起我们会发音吗?let's learn it together!(学习 sw sn sm bl cl fl gl pl sl pr br cr fr gr -lk -ld -lf-sk -ft -tw -mp -lt -st -nd-nt -nk 的发音)

    Practice: Group PK

                      Linking game

                      Number race

    OK ,now take out your book and turn to page 13. Listen and fill in the blanks with consonant blends.

    Let's check the answer.

    前面的辅音串发音非常简单现在我们再来认识一下新的辅音串。(学习 sh ch th wh ph ck的发音)

    Practice: One more time (跟读,比我多一遍)

                      Little teacher

    OK ,take out your book and turn to page 13. Listen and fill in the blanks with sh,ch,th,wh,ph or ck.

    Let's check the answer.

    Ok,now ,let's have a review,what did we learn today? I ask you answer.

    Very good!Class is over.Bye!

    第四部分 标准板书设计





