Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother-

作者: 彼岸非凡 | 来源:发表于2017-11-18 23:40 被阅读22次



                                Battle Hymn of Tiger Mother



Florence(虎妈的婆婆)去世后,家里人都不好过。而Sophia又弄伤了腿。虎妈也越来越喜欢Coco,觉得她越来越可爱,虽然Coco不喜欢虎妈对着女儿喊叫,但她似乎可以明白虎妈的良苦用心,所以现在对Coco的寄托和梦想就是希望她能开心快乐。“It didn’t upset me that I had revised my dreams for Coco—I just wanted her to be happy. ”虎妈朋友的建议改变了她们一家的生活,朋友觉得Sophia弹钢琴很有天赋很棒建议换更优秀的老师,而Lulu也有幸得到超级优秀的钢琴家的辅导。为此家里支出惊人,虎妈叫丈夫赶快出小说的续集赚钱了。对孩子练钢琴,请好老师带女儿们学好钢琴的执着,世上估计只有虎妈一个了吧.


“There is nothing better to spend our money on than our children,”



Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother-虎妈战歌//快来看美籍华裔母亲如何与女儿们“斗智斗勇”的故事吧



Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother-虎妈战歌//快来看美籍华裔母亲如何与女儿们“斗智斗勇”的故事吧

Day13 核心笔记整理


1.原句:This was true even though all my ambitions for her had been replaced by a single dynamic: She would look at me with her pleading chocolate almond eyes—and I would do whatever she wanted, which was usually to go running for four miles, rain, sleet, or shine.

疑难点:如何理解dynamic、pleading chocolate almond eyes和rain, sleet, or shine?

讨论:dynamic:[pl.] the way in which people or things behave and react to each other in a particular situation (人或事物) 相互作用的方式, 动态;a single dynamic即一种很单一的互动;这里指的是作者脑海里浮现出的Coco那双似巧克力色的杏仁眼睛里充满恳求眼神的画面,一想到这里就心软了, 愿意为Coco做任何它想要做的。pleading chocolate almond这三个词均为形容词,用于修饰eyes; pleading恳求的,chocolate巧克力色的,almond杏仁状的;pleading chocolate almond eyes即恳求的巧克力色杏仁状的眼睛;rain, sleet, or shine在这里作为插入语,表示(无论是)下雨、雨雪还是日照。

2.原句:I had finally come to see that Coco was an animal, with intrinsically far less potential than Sophia and Lulu.

疑难点:come to 这里怎么理解?with intrinsically far less potential than Sophia and Lulu这里作什么成分?

讨论:come to:think of / bring to mind:想起 ,意识到;with intrinsically far less potential than Sophia and Lulu后置定语,修饰animal表伴随状态:本质上潜能远不及露露和索菲娅。


3.原句:The second was to Professor Wei-Yi Yang, the most recent addition to Yale’s illustrious piano faculty and by all accounts a piano prodigy and sensation.


讨论:the most recent addition最近增加的,即最新加入的;by all accounts: according to what one has heard or read据大家所说;sensation very great surprise, excitement, or interest among a lot of people; the person or the thing that causes this surprise引起轰动的人(或事物);轰动;譁然

参考翻译:第二个选择就是Wei-Yi Yang教授,他是耶鲁大学最新加入(入职)的著名的钢琴老师,据说他是一个钢琴神童,是一个引起轰动的大师。

4.原句:“Also,” I said hopefully, “there is the advanceyou just got for your novel.”

“I’d better start on a sequel now,” Jed replied grimly.


讨论:advance [C, usually sing.] money paid for work before it has been done or money paid earlier than expected预付款;sequel: a book, film / movie, play, etc. that continues the story of an earlier one (书、电影、戏剧等的)续篇,续集;前文Amy说到“there is the advance you just got for your novel.”


5.原句:The whole nine hours I sat tense and cross-legged in the front passenger seat, with Coco’s food, equipment, and fuzzy sleepy mat where my feet should have been. My head was wedged between Sophia’s two horizontal crutches, which were suctioned in place on the windshield.


讨论:fuzzy sleepy mat 毛茸茸的睡垫;where my feet should have been我的脚应该放那。根据前文可以知道,Amy一直是盘着脚坐的,极不舒服,然后看到毛茸茸的睡垫,才会感叹,那睡垫才是她脚应该放上去的地方。

wedged between cruches指放在两根拐杖之间;



1. 原句:For the next twenty days, Lulu did nothing but practice violin. To squeeze as much improvement out of Lulu as possible, I paid Kiwon to come twice, sometimes three times a day to work with her. 

疑难点:为什么practice 要用原型?

讨论:do nothing but + 动词原形,表示“只做某事”。这里的but可以视为并列连词,连接对等且形态相同的词类。另外,do, does, did在肯定句中,可视为强调性的助动词,之后要接动词原形。在do nothing but +动词原形 这个句型中,but前面的do是及物动词,而but后面的do则为强调性的助动词,虽然性质不一,但外形相同,所以第二个do可以省略。根据这个原理,这句还原如下:

Lulu did nothing but (did表强调) practice violin.

2. 原句:She had the same strange effect on all four of us: Just looking at her lifted our spirits.


讨论:lift sb's spirits指to make someone feel more cheerful and hopeful 使某人开心起来,使某人振奋


3. 原句:Mrs. Vamos invited Lulu to come play for her at the Chautauqua Institution in upstate New York 

疑难点:come play 中间为什么没有to?这里不是动词不定式吗?

讨论:英文中come或go以原形出现,其后接and,再接另一动词原形时,and可予省略,而形成come或go直接加动词原形的情况。例如: go and see a movie= go see a movie  去看电影;Come and see me when you have time. =Come see me when you have time.你有空时要来看我。

4. 原句:Jed was in for another unpleasant surprise. I had imagined that the drive to see Mrs. Vamos would take three, maybe four hours, and had told Jed as much.


讨论:be in for sth指to be going to experience something unpleasant very soon;在文中指Jed即将面临另一个不愉快的惊喜(惊吓)。

三、生词、短语 New Words and Phrases

1. run over


原句:To begin with, I ran over Sophia’s foot.

2. anesthesia /ˌænəs'θiʒə/

loss of bodily sensation with or without loss of consciousness麻醉;麻木

原句:She ended up having surgery under full anesthesia and two big screws put in.

3. screw / skruː /

N-COUNT A screw is a metal object similar to a nail, with a raised spiral line around it. You turn a screw using a screwdriver so that it goes through two things, for example, two pieces of wood, and fastens them together. 螺钉

原句:She ended up having surgery under full anesthesia and two big screws put in.

4. have effect on


原句:She had the same strange effect on all four of us...

5.dynamic / dai’næmik /

ADJ If you describe someone as dynamic, you approve of them because they are full of energy or full of new and exciting ideas. (人) 有活力的; 有创新思维的 [表赞许]

原句:This was true even though all my ambitions for her had been replaced by a single dynamic...

6. almond / ˈɑːmənd, ˈæm-, ˈælm- /

N-VAR Almonds are pale oval nuts. They are often used in cooking. 杏仁

原句:She would look at me with her pleading chocolate almond eyes.

7. intrinsically [in'trinsikəli]

with respect to its inherent nature 本质地;内在地;固有地

原句:I had finally come to see that Coco was an animal, with intrinsically far less potential than Sophia and Lulu.

8. debut in


原句:A gifted pianist who had debuted in New York as a teenager, Peter attended one of Sophia’s recitals at the Neighborhood Music School.

9. meddle / ˈmɛdəl /

V-I If you say that someone meddles in something, you are criticizing the fact that they try to influence or change it without being asked. 干涉 [表不满]

原句:Then he added, “I don’t want to meddle or anything, but have you thought about the Yale School of Music? Maybe Sophia should audition for one of the piano faculty there.”

10. league / li:g/

N-COUNT A league is a group of people, clubs, or countries that have joined together for a particular purpose, or because they share a common interest. 联盟; 协会

原句:But compared to the other kids here Sophia’s in a different league.

11. take sb. aback


原句:This took me aback.

12. by all accounts


原句:The second was to Professor Wei-Yi Yang, the most recent addition to Yale’s illustrious piano faculty and by all accounts a piano prodigy and sensation.

13. a stroke of luck


原句:By a tremendous stroke of luck, Professor Yang knew of Sophia

14. prestigious [pre'stidʒəs, -'sti:-]

ADJ A prestigious institution, job, or activity is respected and admired by people. 有声望的

原句:Their former students include well-known soloists like Rachel Barton and many winners of prestigious international competitions.

15. tenterhooks / ˈtɛntəhʊks /

PHRASE If you are on tenterhooks, you are very nervous and excited because you are wondering what is going to happen in a particular situation. 紧张; 不安 [v-link PHR]

原句:We waited on tenterhooks to see if Mrs. Vamos would respond.

16. housebroken /'hausbreik-,brəukən/


原句:Coco had been housebroken for only two months and had never traveled anywhere before.

17.  elevated / 'eliveitid/

ADJ A person, job, or role that is elevated is very important or of very high rank. 很重要的; 地位极高的[usu ADJ n]

原句:Isn’t she supposed to keep her leg elevated?

18. incredulous / ɪnˈkrɛdjʊləs /

ADJ If someone is incredulous, they are unable to believe something because it is very surprising or shocking. 怀疑的

原句:“What?” Jed was incredulous.

19. make the trip


原句:“She can take her own car—I told her I’d pay for gas—but actually she really didn’t want to make the trip.

20. macho / ˈmætʃəʊ /

ADJ You use macho to describe men who are very conscious and proud of their masculinity. 大男子气的[非正式]

原句:Jed insisted on driving the whole way, a machothing, which gets on my nerves.

21. get on sb's nerves


原句:Jed insisted on driving the whole way, a macho thing, which gets on my nerves.

22. wedge / wedʒ/

V-T If you wedge something, you force it to remain in a particular position by holding it there tightly or by sticking something next to it to prevent it from moving. 把…楔住; 把…抵牢

原句:My head was wedged between Sophia’s two horizontal crutches, which were suctioned in place on the windshield.

23. suctioned  /'sʌkʃənd/


原句:My head was wedged between Sophia’s two horizontal crutches, which were suctioned in place on the windshield.




    本文标题:Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother-
