Goldilocks Principle 金发女孩原则

Goldilocks Principle 金发女孩原则

作者: 饮冰患者 | 来源:发表于2018-03-02 10:22 被阅读0次

    原文&插画 | 饮冰患者


    (usually initial capital) Not being extreme or not varying drastically between extremes, especially between hot and cold.

    Goldilocks 原本就是一个描述金发女子的形容词,但如今它的衍生含义更有意义,值得探讨,用时往往首字母大写。

    西方有这么一个儿童故事叫 “ The Three Bears(金发女孩与三只小熊)”,迷路了的金发姑娘未经允许就进入了熊的房子,她尝了三只碗里的粥,试了三把椅子,又在三张床上躺了躺。最后发现不烫不冷的粥最可口,不大不小的椅子坐着最舒服,不高不矮的床上躺着最惬意。道理很简单,刚刚好就是最适合的,just the right amount,这样做选择的原则被称为 Goldilocks principle(金发女孩原则)

    Goldilocks Principle = Just the right amount = 刚刚好

    现在,这个“刚刚好”的 just right 现象被用于很多领域,毕竟生活中处处都充满了 Goldilocks situation “凡事必须有度”的真理。在天体学和经济学中,Goldilocks 已经成为一个专属名词来表达特有的现象,如下。

    Goldilocks Zone & Goldilocks Planet

    In astrobiology, the Goldilocks Zone/Planet refers to the habitable zone around a star, somewhere not too cold, not too hot for supporting life, as we know it on earth.

    在天体宇宙学中,Goldilocks Zone是最适合居住的环境,温度上不过热不过冷,正正好适宜生命的成长,地球就是最典型的Goldilocks Planet。

    在纽约时报2011二月刊上有一段贴切的描述,选自于 'Letter to the editor: The Good Earth'

    For further generations to realise the search for distant 'Goldilocks planets', this generation must work harder to protect our own.

    Goldilocks Economy

    In economics, a Goldilocks economy describes an economy that is not so hot that it causes inflation, and not so cold that it causes a recession. Under this situation, the economy is stable, allows a market-friendly monetary policy, and is usually operating in an optimal state by providing full employment.

    在经济学中,Goldilocks economy 描述的经济状态不会太热导致通货膨胀,也不太冷导致经济萧条。这种正正好的状态下经济稳定,货币政策有利于市场,就业率也往往较高。

    A Goldilocks market occurs when the price of commodities sits between a bear market and a bull market. The Goldilocks pricing is a marketing strategy that, although not directly related to the Goldilocks principle, uses product differentiation to offer three versions of a product to corner different parts of the market: a high-end version, a middle version and a low-end version.

    Goldilocks market代表的是牛市和熊市之间的正正好状态。Goldilocks pricing 则是一种正正好的市场定价,通过产品区分来满足市场上对高端,中断和低端的产品需求。

    沃顿商学院著名经济学教授Jeremey Siegel在CNBC接受采访时,预测未来经济恰是 Goldilocks situation. 如下:

    "I actually think we have a Goldilocks situation going on now. We have everything moving in tandem." Market bull Jeremey Siegel said on CNBC's "Trading Nation.".



        本文标题:Goldilocks Principle 金发女孩原则
