
作者: 香梅1 | 来源:发表于2018-02-02 22:34 被阅读13次

Saturday April 18th 2015 Sunny

The  views on Chang Hong Square

By Zhao Yuying

Chang Hong Square is a beautiful place in Cheng Cheng County, where many people nearby relax or exercise themselves There ,whether on the sunny mornings or evenings, you will find some people doing Taichi,some dancing, some playing badmintons,more ‘people just walking quickly.

This morning I walked on the ‘1Chang Hong Square seeing five middle-aged men gathering in a circle ,exchanging ideas about performing QinOpera .One of them walked out of the group and performed ,singing "Dongcaca, dong dong ca ca qiang-qiang ".later ,another did the similar one.How interesting it was! I felt it fun ,watching them for a quite while.Another view which attracted me was an old women aged about 65 ,a little fat ,leading several women to dance to music near apipe. Her dancing performance was not elegant ,in my opinion ,she was even a littlefunny .But something optimistic inside her was so shining that it attracted me deeply. When they had a rest ,I went up and chatted with her. She said she had danced for 3 years. She also told methat she enjoyed dancing so much that she would dance while cooking or serving dishes. She walked with a wiggle, smiling,imitating dancing while cooking with a spatula in hand. Aha, what a lovely aunt!.






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