parochial, ignorant ,offensive,there is a lot more to it ,prioritise,serve the interests of,take into account ,subtext,disciplines,inevitably ,takes its toll,thrown up ,tinker,conduit
1.war of words 口水战;争论
词性拓展:subtitle(v. 加字幕)
搭配短语:an English film subtitled in Chinese
3.parochial/pəˈroʊkiəl/ adj. 偏狭的,地方观念的;和教区有关的
相关词汇:parish(n. 教区)
4.Spaniard/ˈspænjərd/ n. 西班牙人
there is a lot more to it
相关表达:there is a lot more to sth. than meets the eye
口语表达:There's a lot more to it.
5.prioritise/praɪˈɔːrətaɪz/ v. 确定(事项的)优先次序

例句:Make a list of what to do and prioritise your tasks.
搭配短语:prioritise over
prioritise over 例句:He always prioritises family over career.
6.serve the interests of sb./sth. 满足需要,符合利益
同义短语:serve the needs of
7.subtext/ˈsʌbtekst/ n. 潜在含义,潜台词;弦外之音
例句:Orwell wrote Animal Farm with a political subtext.
8.discipline/ˈdɪsəplɪn/ n.(尤指大学或学院设立的)专业、学科
9.takes its/a toll 产生损失;造成恶果或不良影响

相关词汇:toll(n. 战争、灾难等造成的毁坏)
搭配短语:take a (heavy) toll on sth.
例句:Staying up late takes a heavy toll on our health.
10.craft/kræft/ n.(尤指制作东西的)工艺,手艺;技术
11.throw up 产生(新问题或想法)
12.tinker/ˈtɪŋkər/ v. 小修小补

英文释义:to make small changes to something, especially in an attempt to repair or improve it
词性拓展:tinker(n. 补锅匠)
搭配短语:tinker about the car
搭配短语:tinker with the problem
13.look on 看待
搭配短语:look on A as B
14.afterthought/ˈæftərθɔːt/ n. 事后想法;事后添加的事物

15.conduit/ˈkɑːnduɪt/ n.(传递想法、新闻、武器等的)渠道;管道,导管