- 看美剧练口语练习 摩登家庭(ModernFamily) S01E
- 看美剧练口语练习 摩登家庭(ModernFamily) S01E
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- 看美剧练口语 摩登家庭(ModernFamily) S01E05
- 看美剧练口语 摩登家庭(ModernFamily) S01E05
- 看美剧练口语 摩登家庭(ModernFamily) S01E05
- 看美剧练口语 摩登家庭(ModernFamily) S01E05
- 看美剧练口语 摩登家庭(ModernFamily) S01E06
- 看美剧练口语 摩登家庭(ModernFamily) S01E02
- 看美剧练口语 摩登家庭(ModernFamily) S01E02
Scene 4 Phil & Claire
- We'll be right down. 我们马上过来
- Luke got in a fight. 卢克打架了.
- By the time a teacher separated them, 老师把他们分开的时候.
- That's the worst thing you could do. 那是你最不该做的.
- He probably jumped on Luke and Luke just fought back. 也许是他突然挑衅卢克,而卢克只是反抗而已
-jumped on sb. 挑衅某人 - These two knuckleheads were fighting each other. 这两个笨蛋在一起打架。
-knucklehead /ˈnʌkəlˌhɛd/ n. (美)蠢人,傻瓜 - What's weird is that her kid wears aftershave and dresses like a count. 怪异的是她的孩子抹须后水,而且打扮得像个伯爵。
-count n. 伯爵.
No problem. We'll be right down. Thanks. 没问题 我们马上过来 谢谢
Hey, honey. What's up? 亲爱的 怎么了
The school just called. Luke got in a fight. 学校刚刚来电话了 卢克打架了
Oh, geez. Is he okay? 天呐 他还好吗
Yeah, he's fine, but they want us to come down there. 他没事 但老师想要我们去一趟
-Where are you? -I'm showing a house. -你在哪里 -我在带人看房子
What house? 什么房子
I'm golfing. 我在打高尔夫球
I bet it was that Durkas kid. 我猜是那个叫德卡斯的小孩
I hate that kid. 我讨厌那个小孩
He probably jumped on Luke 也许是他突然挑衅卢克
and Luke just fought back. 而卢克只是反抗而已
-Kid's a menace. -He made fun of my hair once. -那小孩真讨厌 -他曾经取笑我的头发
Shh. The parents are probably in there. 嘘 他的家长可能在里面
I slept on it funny. 我只是睡觉把头发睡乱了
Like that never happened to him? 就好像他没有过一样
Come on. 走吧
What are you doing here? 你们在这里干嘛
These two knuckleheads were fighting each other. 这两个笨蛋在一起打架
-What? -Could've been worse. -什么 -幸好是你啊
I was not ready to face Durkas today. 我还没准备好今天面对德卡斯
So what happened? 发生什么事了
Well, apparently there was some name-calling 很明显 在操场上发生了骂人
and shoving on the playground. 和斗殴的事情
By the time a teacher separated them, 老师把他们分开的时候
Luke was sitting on Manny's chest. 卢克正坐在曼尼的胸上
-Luke, that's not like you. -Wait a minute. -卢克 那可不像你啊 -等等
-You're Luke's father? -Grandfather. -你是卢克的爸爸吗 -外公
-So Manny's father is... -Javier. -那么曼尼的爸爸是 -哈维尔
Crazy guy. That's where he gets his fire. 一个疯子 就是从他身上遗传到的暴脾气
-Okay, you're... -He's our son. -好吧 你是 -他是我们的儿子
-And my grandson. -I'm his daughter. -我的外孙 -我是他女儿
-So you're... -His uncle. -那么你是 -他小舅舅
Stop saying that or I'll sit on your chest again. 你要再敢这么说 我还会坐到你的胸上
Ho! Wait a second. Is that what this was all about? 等一下 打架就是因为这个吗
He keeps calling me his nephew. 他一直说我是他的外甥
You are my nephew. 你就是我的外甥
-Shut up! -Okay, okay. -闭嘴 -好了 好了
I'm getting the sense that you're all related, uh, somehow. 我明白了 你们似乎是一家人
So it's probably best if you work this out at home... 所以 也许你们最好能回家自己解决
so the boys can go back to class, okay? 这样孩子们就能回去上课了 好吗
But we're not happy about this, boys. 但是我们很生气你们这样 小伙子们
This is not how mature young men behave. 这不是成熟的年轻小伙的行为
Here's your note for Miss Passwater. 把这便条给"帕斯沃"老师
Look, I wouldn't worry. They're good kids. 我并不担心 他们都是好孩子
It's just tough when one kid's a little different. 只是当某个孩子比较怪异时 会有点难处理
-Yes. -Yes. -是的 -是的
You heard how she said that, right? 你听到她那么说了 对吗
"Yes." "是的"
She thought Luke was the weird one. Luke. 她觉得卢克是怪异的那个 卢克
Her kid gets his head stuck in the furniture, 她家孩子把自己的头卡在家具里
and Manny is the different one. 还好意思说曼尼怪异
I will tell you what's weird. 我来告诉你什么怪异
Our son is not weird. 我们的孩子并不怪异
What's weird is that her kid wears aftershave 怪异的是她的孩子抹须后水
and dresses like a count. 而且打扮得像个伯爵
I think we should cancel with them for the barbecue. 我想我们别请他们过来烧烤了
If we cancel, it'll just make this a bigger deal than it is. 如果我们不去 只会把问题越闹越大
It'll be good for Luke and Manny to spend some time. 让卢克和曼尼多相处一下对他们两个都好
-Might be good for you and Gloria too. -Why? -也许对你和歌洛莉亚也好 -为什么
She's always had a problem with me. 她一直对我有意见
I think I'm gonna find out what it is. 我觉得我该找出是什么问题
That's the worst thing you could do. 那是你最不该做的
Just sweep it under the rug. 就当没发生过 忍忍就过去了
-I'm not a sweeper. -Trust me on this. -我可不是个"忍者" -听我的没错
I think you two need to talk it out. 我觉得你们俩得谈谈这件事
I don't have anything to say to her. 我跟她没什么好说的
She's the one with the problem, not me. 她才是有问题的那个 不是我
Whose side are you on? 你到底向着谁
She's my daughter. You're my wife. 她是我的女儿 你是我的妻子
Let's remember what's important here. 让我们先理清重点
There's a football game on. 橄榄球赛马上就开始了
I just hate it when my two girls aren't getting along. 我只是不想我的两个女孩相处得不好
How exactly is she your girl? 她怎么成你的女孩了
Scene 5 Mitchell & Cameron
- That's very elitist of you. 你最聪明.
- team-mascots 读音叠合现象。Mitchell 听成了 team ascots。
-Don't forget about the team mascots. 别忘了还有球队的吉祥物
-They wear ascots? 他们戴"宽领带"吗.
- corner routes 三角线路.
- pageantry n. 壮丽的展示,盛况;正规庆典的传统特征.
- mascots n. 吉祥物.
- ascots n. 领巾状领带;(大写)英国阿斯科特赛马会.
I got a few things for the party. 我为聚会准备了一点东西
Is Lily ready to go? 莉莉准备好要走了吗
Oh, yeah, yeah. She's ready. 是的 她准备好了
What's wrong? 怎么了
I'm just really worried about C.J. Hightower. 我真的很担心C·J·海托
With the bad ankle, 他脚踝受伤了
I don't know how he's gonna run his corner routes. 我不知道他要怎么跑完三角线路
What did my boyfriend just say? 我男友刚刚说了什么呀
Listen, I heard what you said, and I thought, yes, 我听了你之前说的 我同意你的话
I should try to learn more about football. 我应该多了解一下橄榄球
That is very mature of you. 你这么做真是成熟了
I figure, if football fans can learn it, 我觉得 橄榄球迷都能学会
how hard can it be? 那能有多难呢
That's very elitist of you. 就你最聪明
I'm taking baby steps here, all right? 我才刚刚起步 好不
I'm actually-I'm really looking forward to it. 其实 我真的很期待
'Cause it's not just the game. 因为这不仅仅是比赛
It's-It's the bands and the drama, the pageantry. 而且现场彩旗招展 锣鼓喧天
Don't forget about the team mascots. 别忘了还有球队的吉祥物
They wear ascots? 他们戴"宽领带"吗
No. Mascots. With an "M." 不是 是"吉祥物" 有个"M"开头
That could have been very embarrassing. 要是在外人面前你就丢脸了
Okay. 好吧
Am I straight? 直吗
I'm not sure what you are right now. 我也不知道你是直男还是什么