But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.---1Peter2:9
What makes us worthy priests? By redemption. Are we determined to lay ourselves down and devote ourselves to the priesthood? The constant scrutiny of one’s own standards produces self-centered, self-pitying Christians, not vigorous, innocent children of God. Unless we have the right relationship with God, we will struggle to survive and say, “look at the battle I won!” The attitude doesn’t show at all the wonder of redemption. Do whatever it takes to believe that salvation is complete, and then just do what Jesus said-pray for the friend coming to you in the middle of the night, pray for the saints. Pray knowing that perfection is only in Jesus Christ. Do not say, “Lord, I have done all I can, hear me in prayer.”
When exactly did God release us from our self-centered vices? We will loathe ourselves until we die, so that we will not be surprised at anything God says about us. Our inner defilement is beyond measure. But only in a place can we be perfect, that is, in Jesus Christ. When we come to him, we must serve with all we have.
Dear God, may you bless us today, guarding our minds and hearts against the vague fancies and false emotions and ghostly visions, and keeping us wholly yours.