How are we today? 今天怎么样啊?
How we doing? 今天怎么样啊?
So how are you doing today? 今天怎么样啊?
What are you up to tonight? 你今晚忙啥呢?
What have you been up to? 你最近怎么样?- Not much. I got a job.
How did it go? 如何呀?
How’s it going? - It’s going pretty good, you know.
What’s going on with you? 你怎么啦?
What’s with you? 你怎么了?
What is with you tonight? 你今晚是怎么啦?
What are you guys doing here? 你们怎么来啦?
How was it with your friends? 和朋友玩儿得好吗?
What is the big deal about today? 今天有什么了不起的事儿?
What’s the matter? Why so scrunchy? 怎么啦,一脸不高兴的样子
What’s up man? 怎么啦?
I’ll be right back. I just gotta go. 我得走了,我马上回来
We’re outta here. (Out of here) 我们要离开了
We’ll talk later. 回聊
I gotta get to work. 我得去工作了
All right, you guys, I kinda gotta clean up now. 大家散了吧,我要收拾收拾(准备睡觉了)
Be right there. Be back in a second. 马上回来
I’m gonna go change. I’ve got a date. 我要去换衣服了,我有个约会
Now come on, get out of my way. 让开
Call me if you change your mind. 你改变主意了的话给我打电话。
You guys ready? We ready to go? 准备好了吗?我们准备出发了
We’re gonna catch that movie. We gotta get going. 我们要去看电影,得动身了。
It was great seeing you again. 再次见到你们真高兴。
So you wanna tell us now, or are you waiting for four wet brides mates?
What were you gonna say?
Ross, let me ask you a question.
Can I ask you guys a question? Do you ever think that …
So what’s new?
Who’s gonna take the first shot? 谁想第一个发言?(-I’ll go. 让我来)
Come on, you guys, tell me all the dirt! 流言蜚语
So tell me something, Mom. If you had to do it all over again, I mean, if she were here right now, would you tell her?
But I was wondering, do you think it would be possible if I got a $100 advance in my salary?
I was just wondering, do you think there’s a possibility that you could give me an advance on my tips?
You smell great tonight. What are you wearing? 你用了什么香水
You might wanna open with (以...开场) the snowman.
Is it something you'd like to share with the group?
I’m telling you. 我告诉你啊,我敢说,我可以肯定的说
I’m telling you, sweetheart, you’re gonna be fine.
Look, Ross, I’m telling you, she has no idea what you’re thinking.
I’ll tell you something. Passion is way overrated. 被高估
I’ll tell you what, (你听我说,用于建议) any diamond ring we find, we’ll run it by you.
Alright. I’ll tell you what, you buy me a soda, and then we’re even. Okey? 扯平了
I’ve gotta tell you, Bob is terrific.
Well, here’s the deal. 事情是这样的
You know, here’s the thing.
Guys, before you get into that, there’s something that you should know. Oh man, there’s really no easy way to say this.
The worst thing I ever did was I …
Everything you need to know is in that first kiss.
I can’t tell you how excited I am to be here.
Listen, it's kind of an emergency. 十万火急
Magic is about to happen. 见证奇迹的时刻到了
You know what was great? The way of his smile was kinda crooked.
You know what I like most about him, though?
Ok, you know what blows my mind? 知道我正在想什么吗?
You know what I miss the most about her?
You know what else? He’s unbelievable in bed!
What would my opening line be? 我该用什么开场白呢?
Can I just say one thing?
Speaking of issues, isn’t that your ex-wife?
While we’re on the subject of news, ...
Could we change the subject, please?
I was hoping for more of a change.
Can we drop this already, please?
All right, let’s talk reality for a second. 现实
So, who’s up for a big game of Kerplunk? 谁想玩吸管弹珠游戏?
I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but what the hell are you talking about?
Okey, I know this is gonna sound really stupid, but I feel, I feel that if I can do this, you know, if I can actually do my own laundry, there isn’t anything I can’t do.
This probably isn’t the best time to bring it up, but you have to throw a party for Monica.
Don’t take this the wrong way or anything, but back off.
Y’know, don’t take this wrong, but I just don’t see you as a mom somehow.
Let me get you some coffee.
Can I get you some coffee?
You need anything, you can always come to Joey. 有任何需要就找Joey
Would anybody like more coffee?
You need any help?
Look, I’m asking a favor here.
You wanna go get a drink or something?
You guys want anything else?