It was a bad day for me. I attended my son’s parents’ meeting.

It was over my base line, some of subjects failed. I can’t see any develop in his future. I can’t believe why am I so hard working, my son looks not care anything?
I tried to clam down and control my temper to talk him. His answer is not have interest to study, and he wants to learn someskill for his future lives. What shall I do?
I told him to complete the junior school and choose the a skill to learn after graduate.
some time I blame myself, if I never go abroad, never leave him alone with my parents, or came back before he gone to primary school, what is the result now? But I need to envisage the reality.
I believe, i can’t sleep tonight.
Contrary from my eldest son, my second son likes study. I request him to study in early morning when he gets up, and has to study again in the evening after he came back home from kindergarten. So far such method for learning is useful for him.
I will accumulate experience and methods to education him. Not allow the same bad things happen on my second son. Keep to teach him English also. Prepare the future go abroad.
I am a very pushy person, I grew up with ideals.I believe through my hard working I will possess the happy life.I got 475 marks in junior high school graduation examination, I passed the high school score line, but I not want to continue, I have not interest to university, I choose the technical school, I believe the good way is not only study, i have many ways make myself success in future.(at that time)
How time gone. soon the 3 years study completed. I went to Shen Zhen, the air so fresh, the road wide, the flowers burst, the house very high, the bus very big, the place very clean, all and all are perfect. If I never go Fo Shan city to see her, I won’t go back from Shen Zhen. why I say that, because I have a classmate told me:” she was very success running a business, she invited me to go their. Actually they are running a big cheating, they were pyramid sales personnel。
I back to my home twon and running a restaurant. At 20years old, i am really sucess around because my friend all study, i already as a boss.
But many years later, i am very regrate, i will continue my story tomortow.

1) Learn 22 words, and review words, done
2) English listening, done
3) LELTS book, failed
4) Reading English, failed
5) English diary, done
1) Wechat public platform , failed
2) QQ space advertise, done
3) Singapore jobs has been edited and
published, done
4) Talk to 10 clients daily, done
5) Add two new friends, done
6) For work, everything, dane
1) Drink water 3000ml, done
2) Take the traditional Chinese medicine, done
3) Have the nutrients, failed. Not allow myself forget tomorrow
4) To walk daily, failed. Ride bicycle today
5) The instrument to loose weigh, failed
6) Not sleep late, failed
7) To make good friend, done