

作者: xiaoke_donkey | 来源:发表于2021-08-18 08:14 被阅读0次
    英文 中文
    Lord Porchester? 波切斯特大人在这里吗
    This way, madam. 这边走女士
    At the end of the bar. 酒吧的最里面
    - Hello. - Hello, Porchey! -你好-你好波切
    - You found the place all right? - The taxi driver did, yes. -这里还好找吧-对的士司机来说挺容易的
    Of course. Wonderful. 当然了很好
    Lord Porchester. 波切斯特大人
    Ladies. 女士们
    Is it just me, or is this place faintly ridiculous? 只是我这样觉得还是这个地方有点奇怪
    Two of my great hates in life, fine dining and central London. 我这辈子最恨的两种东西正式用餐和伦敦中心
    I just thought it's the kind of special occasion place one came 我只是觉得这种地方
    if one had a special question to ask. 适合问一些特别的问题
    At this moment I wish I were a poet, not a horse-breeder. 此刻我希望我是个诗人而不是个喂马的
    Will you marry me? 你愿意嫁给我吗
    Oh, Porchey. 天啊波切
    - That sounds like a "No." - No, it's not a "No". -听起来是拒绝-不不是拒绝
    No, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. 不不不不不...
    - That's... 12 no's. - I would love to. -12个"不"-我愿意
    On one condition. 但是有一个条件
    That you don't still hold a torch for her. 你不能跟她那么亲密了
    I know how close you were, and how close your families still are. 我知道你们有多亲近你们两家关系有多好
    It's true. She and I, we are close. 没错她跟我是很亲近
    I was close to her father. I am close to her sister. 我跟她父亲和她妹妹关系不错
    Our families are close. 我们两家关系是不错
    In many ways, and I speak as a breeder myself, 作为一个喂马人在很多方面上讲
    it would have been a good match. 我们挺配的
    - Perfect match. - I won't deny it. -非常配-我不否认这一点
    Except for the fact it was never on the cards. 但是实际上我们两个根本不可能
    For her, there was only ever Philip. 对她来说她只有菲利普
    And for you? 对你来说呢
    There's only you. 我只有你
    Lilibet? 莉莉白
    Right you are, Jock. Yes, I'll let him know. Thank you. 你说的对乔克我会告诉他谢谢
    I'm sure he'll be delighted. Bye. 我相信他会高兴的再见
    Are you winning? 你要赢了吗
    No. 没有
    There was one, brief, tantalizing moment 有那么短暂迷人的一刻
    when I thought I had it. I moved in for the kill. 我以为我抓住了就试着动手
    But then one wrong brushstroke 但是画错了一笔
    and it got away once again. 灵感就又溜走了
    I've just been talking to Jock about your 80th birthday. 我刚跟乔克聊过你的80岁生日
    No, don't mention it. 不要提了
    Because it happens on the same day as the opening of Parliament, 因为正好跟议会开放是同一天
    they've decided to combine events 他们决定两件事一起办
    and hold a reception in your honor at the Great Hall. 在大礼堂为你设宴
    Oh, that's very nice. 听起来不错
    Oh, and it's going to be Graham Sutherland. 还有格拉罕·萨瑟兰被选中了
    - Who? - The painter. -谁-那个画家
    - To paint your portrait. - What portrait? -来画你的肖像-什么肖像
    It's the official portrait commissioned by both Houses. 上下两院委托的官方肖像
    It's your present. 是给你的礼物
    Sutherland? Never heard of him. 萨瑟兰我没听说过他
    He's got quite the reputation. He's a modernist. 他挺有名的是个现代派画家
    Not sure I can trust a modernist with an English name. 我信不过一个英国的现代派画家
    Give me a German modernist. Or an Italian. 给我找个德国的现代派画家吧意大利的也行
    They're the ones who have to start all over again. 他们肯定不会墨守成规
    Whatever would an Englishman want to change? 英国人画的不都一样
    It's grand to be home again after so long an absence. 离开家这么久回来真好
    The surgeon who operated 给我做手术的医生昨天告诉我
    on me told me yesterday that all was well. 说一切顺利
    I'll need to have a further period of convalescence, 我需要更长的康复期
    put on some weight, 增加些体重
    but there is nothing else to worry about. 但是没其他事情需要担忧了
    As I said, it's grand to be home again. 就像我说的回到家真好
    I look forward to being back at work just as soon as possible. 我非常期待尽快重新开始工作
    Thank you! 谢谢
    Thank you! 谢谢
    - Hello? - Porchey? I hope I'm not disturbing. -你好-波切我希望没有打扰你
    - Goodness. - Am I disturbing? -天啊-我有打扰你吗
    - No. - Good. -没有-很好
    It's Aureole. I think we're making a mistake. 是光环的问题我觉得我们犯了个错误
    I think we should lead from the start. 我觉得我们一开始就应该领跑
    And I think you're wrong. 我认为你错了
    But we both know he doesn't hold up naturally. 但是我们俩都知道它没耐力
    We tried holding him up against Darius before. And Darius won. 我们试过让它跟大流士比大流士赢了
    That was the Guineas, which is a mile. 那次是几内亚只有一英里长
    This is the King George. A mile and a half. 这次是乔治国王有1.5英里
    What will we do if he plays up before the race? 如果它在比赛前状态很好呢
    He always plays up. That's who he is. 它总是状态不错它就是这样
    You don't seem the slightest bit worried. 你看起来一点都不担心
    Anything else? 还有其他事吗
    Well, can I just say one more time, for the record... 那我就再强调一次
    I think we should start fast, and run at a good clip. 我觉得我们开始应该快并且保持速度
    - Noted. - I am right sometimes, you know. -知道了-我有时候是对的
    Even you said yourself that I have good instincts. 你自己甚至都说过我的直觉很准
    You do. And I might well live to regret it. 是的我可能会后悔的
    - That, and a good many other things. - Oh, dear. Such as? -还有很多其他事情-天啊比如呢
    Good night. 晚安
    Mr. Sutherland, Prime Minister. 首相这是萨瑟兰先生
    - Good morning. - How do you do? -早上好-你好吗
    - Good morning, hello. How do you do? - Good morning. -早晨你好吗-早上好
    - How do you do, sir? It's an honor. - No, no. The honor is mine. -你好先生我不胜荣幸-是我的荣幸
    So, where do you want me? 你想我坐在哪
    So, 那么
    will we be engaged in flattery or reality? 我们要客套一番还是直接开始
    Are you going to paint me as a cherub or a bulldog? 你会像画小天使或斗牛犬那样画我吗
    I imagine there are a great number of Mr. Churchills. 肯定已经有很多丘吉尔先生的画像了
    Yes, indeed there are. 确实如此
    Well, as you search for him, 在你忙着打量时
    perhaps I can implore you 我想恳请你
    not to feel the need to be too accurate. 不必画得太准确
    Why? Accuracy is truth. 为什么准确才显真实
    No. For accuracy, we have the camera. 不想要准确的话可以用相机
    Painting is the higher art. 绘画是更高一层的艺术
    I paint a bit myself, you know. 你知道的我自己偶尔也会画画
    Yes, sir, I know. 是的首相先生我知道
    And I never let accuracy get in the way of truth 我从来不会让准确遮挡
    if I don't want it to. 我想表达的真相
    If I see some landscape I like, 如果见到喜欢的风景
    and I wish there wasn't a factory in the background, 我希望背景里不会出现工厂
    I leave the factory out. 我就不会将工厂画出来
    So, Mr. Sutherland, tell me,I'm fascinated. 萨瑟兰先生我很好奇请你告诉我
    What is your process? 你绘画的一般步骤是怎样的
    First, I shall take some photographs, 首先我会拍几张照片
    they'll be useful as reference when I get back to the studio. 当我回到画室以后照片就可以用作参考了
    Then I shall do some charcoal sketches, 接着我就会进行炭笔素描
    studies of the head, the hands 仔细描绘头部手部
    and then I'll work those sketches up. 然后草图就会逐渐完成
    The actual painting up will be done in my studio at home. 整幅画将在我家中的画室里完成
    - Is this... Do you mind? - Perfectly all right. Carry on. -我能...-没关系搬吧
    Well, what pose are you thinking of? 你想我摆什么姿势
    Seated. 坐着吧
    I could try standing? 我能站着吗
    It might be more commanding, dynamic. 这样更显威严及精力充沛
    It might make me look younger. 可以让我看上去更年轻
    I thought the painting was supposed 我以为这幅画是为了
    to celebrate reaching a certain age? 庆祝大寿而创作的
    Four score years, Winston. 八十岁了温斯顿
    I think seated is more senatorial. 我认为坐着显得更有议员风范
    Oh, senatorial. 普通议员风范
    What nonsense. 真是胡说
    Yes, I agree. 我也这么认为的
    Cigar or no cigar? 抽不抽雪茄
    No cigar. 不要抽
    - Garter robes or no garter robes? - No finery. -戴不戴嘉德勋章-不用如此讲究
    No grandiosity. 无需夸张
    Dressed merely as a parliamentarian. 像普通议员一样的穿着即可
    How prosaic. 太平淡无奇了
    - I liked him. - Yes, I could tell. -我挺喜欢他的-看得出
    You were smitten, blushing like a little girl. 你像一个坠入情网的小女生般涨红了脸
    - Well, he is rather a wow. - A "Wow"? -他确实挺让人着迷的-"万人迷"吗
    Tall and handsome, saturnine. A bit of a Heathcliff. 高大英俊而又有点郁郁寡欢有点像希斯克里夫
    He wants total control. 他想要绝对控制权
    Well, any artist worth anything would insist on that. 任何一位有作为的艺术家皆是如此
    - You don't really want a flatterer. - Yes, I do. -你也不想要一位马屁精吧-我就想要
    No, you don't. Besides, it's manifestly clear he's a fan. 你不需要况且他显然是你的拥护者
    Oh, no, don't be silly. 才不是呢别傻了
    You can smell the socialism on him. 你能感觉到他身上那股社会主义的气息吧
    Even the socialists acknowledge you saved the country. 即使社会主义者也承认你拯救了这个国家
    Through gritted teeth. 迫不得已而已
    I have the protective instincts of a loving wife 作为深爱着你的妻子我亦有保护你的本能
    and I can tell you this one is not an assassin. 但我可以告诉你他不会伤害你的
    Oh, whoa, whoa. Whoa, whoa. Look. Look at this. 天啊天啊天啊天啊快看
    It's Aureole, the Queen's Aureole, 是光环是女王陛下的光环
    the Queen's horse, followed by... 女王陛下的光环后面紧跟着...
    Isn't he marvelous? 它真的是个奇迹啊
    Isn't he clever? 它真的很聪明啊
    You were absolutely... 你真的是...
    No, he won. 不它赢了
    You were absolutely right. 你说得太对了
    - He's so clever! - I know. I know. -它太聪明了-知道了知道了
    - What a champion. - What a champion. -冠军归来-冠军归来
    - Good boy. - Hello. -好家伙-你好啊
    I remember getting the phone call from your father. 还记得它刚出生时我接到了你父亲的电话
    When he was born. By Hyperion and out of Angelola. 海伯利安和安吉洛拉生下了它
    Yes, we gave him his first milk. Do you remember? 是的你还记得是我们第一次给它喂奶的吗
    Watching him grow up, 看着它长大
    everyone thought his elder brother would be the star. 所有人都认为它的哥哥才会成为大明星
    Your clever Papa always had an instinct for this one. 而你那睿智的父亲则对它很有信心
    - He's the underdog. - And he backed him. -它不被看好-而你父亲将赌注压在它身上
    And an underdog became a star. 不被看好的反而成为大明星
    Yes, and his favorite horse. 是的它也成为了他最爱的赛马
    So, what's next for our champion? 我们的冠军赛马下一场将进行哪场比赛
    Well, we have received an invitation to the Laurel International. 我们收到了国际桂冠大赛的邀请
    - America? - Yes, next month. -在美国吗-是的下个月进行
    He's what, four? Already at the older end of the spectrum. 它四岁了吗已经到比赛生涯的末期了
    If you were asking my opinion... 如果你在征询我的意见...
    That is why I asked you here today. 这就是我今天找你的原因
    My honest advice, I'd consider retiring him now. 我真心建议现在就让它退役吧
    At the top of his game. 在职业生涯的最高峰
    The best middle distance horse in Europe, 拥有着极高市场价值的
    with a sky-high market value. 欧洲最佳中距离赛马
    Let him earn you some proper money as a stud. 让他成为种马为你赚更多钱吧
    I'm surprised to hear you turning down 你竟然会拒绝
    the opportunity of going to America. 去美国的机会
    Why? 为什么
    Well, that's where your girlfriend's from, isn't it? 你女朋友来自美国不是吗
    - Fiancé. - Fiancé? Goodness. -是未婚妻-未婚妻吗天啊
    Who is she? Money, I hope. So you can keep up the stables. 她是谁希望她能有钱让你继续开马厩
    - Actually, she's a Portsmouth. - Oh, dear. So no money. -其实她是朴茨茅斯人-那没什么钱吧
    Some money. But horse mad. Well, she'd have to be. 有一些但对马很狂热她应该会那样
    You'd approve, I think. 你会赞成的吧
    - Well, can I meet her? - If you promise you won't scare her. -我能见她吗-你得保证不会吓到她
    - Why would I scare her? - You're the Queen! -我为什么会吓到她-你是女王啊
    - Only some of the time. - All the time. -只是某些场合-所有场合
    And that makes you terrifying. And she's heard a lot about you. 所以你会让人敬而远之她听说了你不少事
    - From whom? - From me. -听谁说的-我说的
    Some of it nice, too. 还是有一些好话的
    Oh, the one you let get away. 那个被你拒绝的人
    - What? - He's always carried a torch for you. -什么-他可是一直把你放在心上
    Porchey? Utter nonsense. 波切完全是子虚乌有
    He told me himself. One night while in his cups. 他亲口告诉我的那晚他喝醉了
    That doesn't count. 那不作数
    When a man's had a drink, that's when the truth comes out. 男人通常酒后吐真言
    No. That's when the nonsense comes out. 不酒后乱说话还差不多
    Besides, we have interests in common. 而且我们有共同的兴趣
    Horses aren't an interest to you. They're a passion. 于你而言马不是兴趣而是热爱
    - A passion your husband doesn't share. - He has other passions. -却不能与丈夫分享-他热爱别的东西
    So I hear. 我听说了
    - Sir. - Good morning. -先生-早上好
    The Foreign Secretary is here, sir. Shall I show him in? 外交部长来了先生要带他进来吗
    Not here. 别来这里
    Sorry to keep you waiting. 抱歉让你久等了
    As apposite as ever. 一如既往地恰到好处
    I didn't mean it like that. 我可不是这个意思
    There's ugliness in the air, Anthony. 气氛不太友好啊安东尼
    I have nothing of beauty to say. 我不是来说好话的
    Then say what you must, deposit your ugliness and go. 该说什么就说难听的话说完就走
    I have more important things to do. 我还有更重要的事要做
    Very well. 很好
    At some point, 某些时候
    every leader must ask himself whether by staying in office, 每一位领导人都该扪心自问他在职期间
    he is giving to the country, 是在为国家做贡献
    or taking from it. Helping or harming. 还是在索取对国家有利还是有害
    And I would suggest that for some time now, 而在我看来现在这段时间
    you have been taking and harming. 你就是在索取和害国
    And therefore I come to you, 因此我过来找你
    in the name of the party and of the country, 以党派和国家的名义
    for the very last time, Winston, to bid you to stand down. 最后一次请你退位温斯顿
    I will in good time. The right time. 在恰当的时间我会退位的
    The right time was nine years ago when you lost us the election. 九年前你使我党选举失败就已是恰当时机
    And I have since avenged 可我赢了上一次选举
    that defeat by winning us the last election. 已经为我们雪耻了
    I won us that, Winston! I won that! 是我赢了选举温斯顿是我赢的
    People voted Conservative in the clear expectation 民众投票给保守党是因为期望
    - that you would give way to me. - That is such rubbish! -你会让位给我-简直胡说八道
    They voted Conservative because they couldn't stomach socialism! 他们投票给保守党因为无法忍受社会主义
    Inflation is out of control. 通货膨胀已经失控了
    And with every misjudgment, with every miscalculation, 每一个判断错误每一个计算失误
    with every utterance you make, 还有你的每一次表达不当
    that appetite to return to the left is growing! 都让民众回归左翼的愿望越发强烈
    Be careful, Anthony, too much excitement is not good 悠着点安东尼情绪太激动对
    for one so soon after an operation. 刚做完手术的人可不好
    Spoken by a man who only two months ago was effectively dead. 这话可是两个月前几乎死去的人说的
    - Which makes two of us. - I have recovered. -我们彼此彼此吧-我已经恢复了
    That's not what I hear. 我听说的并非如此
    I hear you are a shadow of your former self. 我听说你身体看起来摇摇欲坠




