英文 | 中文 |
I have something to say. | 我有话要说 |
- If it's about the lavatory seat again... - No, it's not. | - 如果又是要说马桶坐垫没放下来... - 不 并不是 |
It's very much not. | 与上次的话题差太远了 |
- Sven has proposed. - Say no. | - 斯文向我求婚了 - 拒绝他 |
And I have said yes. | 我答应了 |
I adored your father, | 我爱你的父亲 |
but I haven't had a gentleman in my life | 但是我空窗了 |
for eight years. | 整整八年时间 |
And Sven is resourceful and he's handsome | 斯文足智多谋 英俊 |
and I love him. | 而且我爱他 |
- This is so exciting. - Thank you, darling. | - 这消息真令人激动 - 谢谢你 亲爱的 |
- Morning, everyone. - Morning, Nancy. | - 各位早上好 - 早上好 南希 |
- Nance. - Nancy. | - 南希 - 南希 |
- Missed you. - Oh, missed you, too. | - 好想你 - 我也想你 |
Anyway, can we talk about me | 无论如何 现在可以聊一下我了吗 |
because I have just told you I'm getting married. | 因为我刚告诉你们我快要结婚了 |
We will need to interview him. | 我们肯定会审问他的 |
Who is getting married, you or me? | 要结婚的人是你还是我 |
I'm sure you'll want to run your eyes over our potential spouses. | 你以后也会想瞄一眼我们的未来配偶的 |
Fine. | 好吧 |
Why you have them, all of these animals? | 为什么你要养这么多动物 |
The same reason you have a family. | 跟你拥有自己的家庭是一个道理 |
My mother make me. | 我母亲的功劳 |
Well, normally, it's to enjoy their company. | 我通常是为了享受它们的陪伴 |
But you're right, Lugaretzia, I should invite people | 但你说得对 鲁格勒斯雅 我应该邀请人们 |
to come and enjoy them, too. | 来感受动物的陪伴 |
I might need some more. | 为此 我需要更多的动物 |
Work is so boring. | 工作太无聊 |
I'm stuck indoors, and she's drawn the shutters now. | 我被困在屋里 现在她才把百叶窗拉开 |
It's like I'm working down a mine. | 这感觉就像我在矿井下工作 |
A mine filled with Louis Quinze furniture. | 但这个矿井里都是路易十五世风格的家具 |
If she didn't have this annoying depression thing, | 如果她没有郁郁寡欢的话 |
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we'd go travelling and shopping, | 我们早就可以去旅游 逛街 |
and I'd chat to Angel. | 我还可以跟小天使聊天了 |
Can't Dr Petridis help? | 帕特里迪斯医生帮不上忙吗 |
Oh, I'll get through it. | 噢 我自己可以搞定 |
No, help the Countess? | 不 伯爵夫人需要帮助吧 |
No. She blames it on the shock of her husband dying. | 不 她会把这归咎给她丈夫的死亡 |
Her world's been smaller ever since. | 从那以后她的世界便越来越小 |
At this rate, she'll end up in a wardrobe. | 照这样下去 她会死在衣橱里 |
You know, truly, money can't buy you happiness, can it? | 说真的 钱买不到你要的快乐 不是吗 |
But it can buy you some lovely haute couture to be unhappy in. | 但可以买一些迷人的高级时装 把不开心裹起来 |
It's just as well, we don't have any money, | 幸亏我们没有钱 |
really, and neither does Sven. | 确实 斯文也没有 |
Are you still wanting to get married? | 那你还想结婚吗 |
Since this morning? | 今早过后吗 |
Erm... yes, I think so. | 是的 我想是的 |
Well, we'll see. | 很好 走着瞧吧 |
We'd like your answers down on paper, please. | 我们希望你能把答案写在纸上 |
Sorry, my lawyers advised me not to put anything in writing. | 抱歉 我的律师建议我不要写任何东西 |
Can I just say, | 其实 |
I don't care who my mother marries, | 我不关心我母亲嫁给谁 |
I'm enjoying this. | 我只喜欢审问这个环节 |
Come on, why do you want to marry Mrs Durrell? | 来 为什么你想娶德雷尔夫人 |
- Because I love her. - Well, that's easy to say. | - 因为我爱她 - 很好 说起来倒轻松 |
- Yes, it is. - Damn, he's good. | - 是的 的确 - 该死的 他真厉害 |
Money isn't everything, of course, | 钱不是万能 理所当然的 |
but is it true you don't have any? | 但你一点钱也没有 这是真的吗 |
I have some land, I am rich in strength and in spirit. | 我有一些地 身体好 而且乐观向上 |
- May I have one of your goats? - No. | - 你可以送一只山羊给我吗 - 不 |
Voltaire said that God created sex and priests created marriage. | 伏尔泰说过上帝创造了性 神父创造了婚姻 |
- Thoughts? - None. | - 你有任何想法吗 - 没有 |
I come home late with a handsome boy, | 我回家晚了 还带着一个帅哥 |
wanting to get to know each other better. | 想跟他互相了解 |
Much better. What do you do? | 进一步了解 你会怎么做 |
I'll have to hurry you. | 快点回答 |
I ask your mother. | 我先问问你母亲 |
Hello, Sven. So you're getting the full Durrells assault? | 你好 斯文 你正在接受德雷尔全家的攻击吗 |
Yes. | 没错 |
Sorry, but would you leave, please? You're not one of us. | 抱歉 请你先离开 你不是德雷尔家的人 |
Are you thinking of having children with our mother? | 你有想过跟我们的母亲生孩子吗 |
Because that would be a bad idea. | 因为那实在是太糟糕了 |
I think the joke is over now, don't you? | 我觉得玩笑应该适可而止 不是吗 |
- May I borrow a goat? - I will discuss it with them. | - 我可以借一只山羊吗 - 我会跟它们商量一下 |
Thank you. | 谢谢 |
I feel like an intruder in this house. | 我觉得我是这间屋子里的入侵者 |
- Why? - Your family are fine individually. | - 为什么 - 你的家人分开都很友好 |
- Well, not really. - But together, | - 可不是这样 - 但在一起的时候 |
it's like living with bees, buzzing in my face, | 感觉就像有一群蜜蜂一样 围着我嗡嗡叫 |
little stings the whole time. | 总是有种小刺痛 |
And it's really crowded. | 这里真的太拥挤了 |
Just do what I do, shout at them. | 你可以跟我一样 吼他们 |
- I can't, they're not my family. - You really can. | - 我不可以 他们不是我的家人 - 你可以的 |
We'll do it together. | 我们可以一起吼他们 |
Let's find a place of our own. | 我们去找一个自己的小天地吧 |
We're 22, Larry. | 我们二十二岁了 拉里 |
Of course. | 当然 |
Sure. I'd love that. | 我很愿意 |
You're worried about what your mother will say, aren't you? | 你在担心你母亲会说什么 是吗 |
- Yes, I am. - Hm. | - 是的 我在担心 - 嗯 |
Where are the other two judges? | 其他两位"法官"在哪 |
Larry and Nancy are canoodling. | 拉里和南希在亲热 |
And Gerry's opening the Durrell Zoo. | 杰瑞在开德雷尔动物园 |
Oh. So, may I marry Sven? | 噢 那我可以嫁给斯文了吗 |
Well, we like him. | 我们都喜欢他 |
He's lovely, isn't he? | 他很迷人 不是吗 |
Well, we... we're worried he's a bit too young and handsome. | 我们担心他太年轻太帅气了 |
- Are we? - Are we? | - 我们有吗 - 我们怎么了 |
Look, if you marry an old chap | 听着 如果你嫁给一个老头 |
and it goes wrong, he won't be alive that long. | 就算婚姻失败 他也活不了那么久 |
Do bear that in mind. | 请牢记于心 |
动物园 免费观看各种动物 | |
You don't have to do this, Mrs Durrells. | 你不必这样 德雷尔夫人 |
I know. | 我知道 |
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Tell him your mind was disturbed when you said yes. | 告诉他 你答应他求婚时思绪不安 |
- What have you got against Sven? - Nothing. | - 你为什么不喜欢斯文 - 没什么 |
Except he's not Greek and he's not British. | 除了他既不是希腊人也不是英国人之外 |
Well, a lot of people aren't, Spiros. | 很多人也不是啊 斯皮罗 |
If you must marry again, have my friend Labros. | 若你坚持要再婚 选我的朋友拉布罗斯吧 |
You will never run out of bread. | 你会有吃不完的面包 |
- Is he a baker? - No, he just likes bread. | - 他是烘焙师吗 - 不 他只是喜欢面包而已 |
Shall we go? | 我们可以出发了吗 |
- Where are we going? - Sven's house. | - 我们现在去哪里 - 斯文家 |
No! | 不 |
Well done for passing your audition. | 你通过面试了 干得好 |
They are good company. | 他们都是好伙伴 |
I'm lending Gerry a goat | 我借了一只羊给杰瑞 |
and I am working on Leslie. | 还在和莱斯利一起工作 |
So, when do you want to get married? | 那你想什么时候结婚 |
There's no rush. | 不急 |
Let's do it soon. | 我们快点结婚吧 |
What do you mean by soon? | 你指的具体有多快 |
A week, two. | 一周 或者两周 |
Well... | 很好 |
shouldn't we get to know each other better first? | 我们不该再进一步了解对方吗 |
No. It's romantic, fun. | 不 结婚是件浪漫 有趣的事情 |
You're revealing hidden shallows, Sven. | 斯文 你把浅显易懂的秘密说出来了 |
I like it. | 我喜欢 |
Also, I don't believe in... | 而且 在结婚之前 |
you know, before marriage. | 我不相信这些 |
Oh. Well, we'd better get married quickly, then. | 看来我们要尽快结婚了 |
I've been living for my family for so long. | 我一直以来都为我的家庭而活 |
It's time I started living for myself. | 是时候开始为自己而活了 |
And for you. | 还有为你而活 |
So, in two weeks... a wedding. | 所以 两周后举行婚礼 |
I do hope Alecko isn't grumpy. | 我希望阿莱科的脾气不暴躁 |
Yes, we must discourage touching the exhibits. | 是的 我们必须阻止游客触摸动物 |
In Athens Zoo, | 在雅典动物园里 |
I saw a tapir bite off a visitor's finger. | 我看见一只貘咬断了游客的手指 |
How horrible. | 太可怕了 |
And wasteful, as they are herbivores. | 同时也很奢侈 它们毕竟是草食动物 |
Margo, are you discovering an interest in the animal kingdom? | 玛戈 你在动物王国里找到乐趣了吗 |
No. Theo, you know everything, | 不 西奥 你无所不知 |
why won't my Countess leave her villa? | 为什么伯爵夫人不离开她的别墅 |
This is, of course, agoraphobia, | 这是因为她有公共场所恐惧症 |
from the Greek... agorafovia, hooray! | 源于希腊的广场恐惧症 |
Fear of the marketplaces. | 害怕集市这些地方 |
That's so odd. I love shopping. | 太奇葩了 我爱购物 |
The fear is of the open space, rather than the market. | 这是对空地产生的恐惧 而并不只是市场 |
Oh. So how can I cure her? | 那我该如何治愈她 |
It can stem from feeling out of control, | 这种症状出于自我失控 |
so reassurance and relaxation may help. | 所以他人安慰和放松能够帮助她 |
Good. Thank you. | 太好了 谢谢你 |
- But the brain is a complex organ, which... - She's gone. | - 但是大脑是一个复杂的器官 - 她已经走了 |
I don't think Durrell brains are that complex. | 我并不觉得德雷尔家的大脑有那么复杂 |
Sven and I have decided to get married in two weeks. | 斯文和我决定两周后结婚 |
Why? Are you pregnant? | 为什么 你怀孕了吗 |
No! | 当然没有 |
We just want to do it soon because, | 我们只是想尽快把事情办好 |
well, it's romantic and fun. | 因为结婚是件浪漫且有趣的事情 |
No, you can't, we still have our doubts. | 不 你不能这样做 我们还有疑虑 |
That's not long enough to find a dress. | 两周的时间太短 都不能找到一件礼服 |
Oh, I've been married once, | 我已经结过一次婚了 |
Margo, I'll just find something suitable | 玛戈 我会找到合适的衣服 |
and stick a carnation on it. | 再插上一支康乃馨 |
You were talking about your dress, weren't you? | 你是指你找不到你的礼服吧 不是吗 |
No. Not entirely. | 不 不完全是 |
- Congratulations, Mrs Durrell. - Well, thank you, Nancy. | - 祝贺你 德雷尔夫人 - 谢谢你 南希 |
Why wait? Strike while the iron's hot. | 为什么要等 打铁趁热呗 |
There's no time like the present. | 没有比此刻更好了 |
What is this, platitudes day? | 今天算什么 老生常谈的日子吗 |
So, why are you and Nancy rowing? | 所以 你跟南希为什么吵架 |
- I'm glad you brought that up. - Oh, dear. | - 我很高兴你提起了这件事 - 亲爱的 |
Nancy feels, and, well, I agree with her, but less so... | 南希觉得 我也认同她的看法 但是 |
- Oh, bloody hell, Larry. - OK, we... | - 噢 天啊 拉里 - 我们... |
by which I mean Nancy, but a proportion of me... | 我的意思是南希... 但是还有我内心的一部分... |
want to find our own place to live. | 想找一个属于我们两个人的地方去生活 |
No, you don't. | 不 你并不想这样 |
- Well... - We have fun here, don't we, the five of us? | - 嗯 - 我们五口子在这里过得很好 不是吗 |
Six. | 六口人 |
The six of us, we... we have fun, when we're not arguing. | 我们六个 不吵架时 不是相处得很愉快吗 |
- Was this Nancy's idea? - Everything's changing, anyway, | - 是南希的主意吗 - 无论如何 一切都在变 |
with you marrying Sven. | 随着你嫁给斯文 |
But the important things, th-th-the | 但最重要的是 |
being together, that's not changing. | 我们一家人在一起 这是不会改变的 |
And you can't afford to move out, Larry, you're broke. | 而且搬到外面你也负担不起 拉里 你并没有钱 |
So are you. | 你也是 |
I... I can write for money. | 我 我可以写作 |
I'm sad, too. | 我也很伤心 |
Erm... just in case this helps at all, | 呃 只是以防万一 |
we think it's fine if Larry leaves. | 如果拉里离开我们也会支持他 |
- We do. - Yeah. | - 是的 - 没错 |
Thank you. | 谢谢你们 |
Morning, Nancy. | 早上好 南希 |
- Hello, Mrs Durrell. - I brought you some tea. | - 你好 德雷尔夫人 - 我泡了一些茶给你 |
- Nice cup of rosie. - Thank you. | - 不错的玫瑰花茶 - 谢谢你 |
So, er... I hear you and Larry are thinking about | 所以 我听说你和拉里在考虑 |
- finding a place of your own? - Yes. | - 找一个属于你们的地方 - 是的 |
- Now, it's not because... - Look, I completely understand. | - 不是因为... - 听着 我完全理解 |
My concerns are broader. | 令我担心的事情更多 |
Oh? | 是吗 |
I suppose I'm thinking, does Nancy, a bright young thing, | 我觉得 南希你是一个年轻阳光的女孩 |
really want to bury herself away on a... let's face it, | 真的想葬身于... 我们坦白说吧 |
a primitive Mediterranean island? | 一个简陋的地中海岛屿吗 |
Well, you have. | 你是这样的 |
Larry likes it here. | 拉里喜欢这里 |
Yes, and he writes really well on Corfu. | 是的 他在科孚岛写作也很不错 |
So why are you suggesting I take him away? | 所以 那为什么还你建议我带他走 |
No, I was just talking about you. | 不 我只是在说你 |
Oh. | 噢 |
See, you're very young to settle down. | 你还很年轻 不用这么快安顿下来 |
And this is going to sound horrid, | 我接下来的话可能不太中听 |
but I don't believe Larry's got other women out of his system. | 但是我觉得拉里不是那么专一 |
Mr. Zookeeper! | 动物管理员先生 |
- Have a goat. - Thanks, Sven. | - 给你一头羊 - 谢谢你 斯文 |
And... | 还有... |
A tortoise I found on the way. | 我在路上找到的一只乌龟 |
Slow start, huh? | 一开始人来得不多吧 |
Yes, but I cycled round telling people | 是啊 但是我骑着车宣传了一下 |
so I'm sure they're on their way. | 他们肯定在来的路上了 |
- Is your mummy here? - No, she's gone into town. | - 你妈妈在这儿吗 - 不在 她进城了 |
You're not coming back to work for me, are you? | 你不回来为我工作了 是吗 |
No, thanks. | 不了 谢谢 |
I banged my toe on your cretinous shovel. | 我把脚趾撞到你那愚蠢的铲子上了 |
Look, by the way, I had some of your ouzo. | 还有啊 我喝了你一点茴香酒 |
- It was medicinal. - I noticed. | - 那是药用的 - 我发现了 |
And congratulations on the emergency wedding thing. | 祝贺你这么短时间能找到结婚戒指 |
What's the hurry? | 急什么呀 |
Why wait? | 干嘛要拖着 |
You can make whoopee outside marriage, you know. | 你要知道 不结婚也能爱爱的 |
If I'm going to make love to a woman, | 如果我要和一位女性做爱 |
I want it to be official. | 我希望是认真的 |
You've never made love to a woman? | 你之前没和女人做过吗 |
Of course I have. What else would I be doing? | 当然做过 不然我平时干什么 |
No, you've got me there. | 是啊 你问到我了 |
No. | 不会吧 |
What is homosexuality? | 同性恋是什么意思 |
Where have you been all your life? | 你是怎么长这么大的 |
- Outside, mainly, shooting. - Is it sex in a home? | - 主要是在外面打猎 - 是在家啪啪啪的意思吗 |
- No. - I give up, then. | - 不是 - 那我放弃了 |
- I think I might know. - Of course you do. | - 我也许知道 - 你当然知道了 |
Isn't it when two males try to mate? | 难道不是两个男性交配吗 |
Oh, yes, I do know what that is. | 啊 我知道了 |
It's illegal, and rightly so, | 那是非法的 应当如此 |
we shouldn't even be talking about it. | 我们都不应该谈论这件事 |
- How long has it been going on? - For ever. | - 这种情况出现多久了 - 一直都有 |
The ancient Greeks couldn't get enough of it. | 古希腊人特别热衷这个 |
Wait, how can Sven be homosexual if he's marrying Mother? | 等一等 斯文要嫁给母亲 他怎么可能是同性恋 |
Because he's been hiding it. | 因为他一直在掩藏这件事 |
But I may be mistaken. | 但也可能是我错了 |