small word
原词 | 意思 | - | 原词 | 意思 |
busybody | 餐馆勤杂工 | - | busyboy | 爱管闲事的人 |
dry goods | 纺织品 | - | sporting house | 纺织品 |
dead president | 美钞 | - | senior citizen | 老年人 |
a black sheep | 害群之马 | - | pull someone's leg | 开玩笑愚弄某人 |
eat one's word | 收回前言 | - | mad doctor | 精神病科医生 |
eleven hour | 最后时刻 | - | personal remark | 人生攻击 |
confidence man | 骗子 | - | horse sense | 实用常识 |
capital idea | 好主意 | - | green hand | 新手 |
have a fit | 勃然大怒 | - | out of juice | 没电了 |
red tape | (官僚主义的)繁文缛节 | - | ask for the moon | 异想天开 |
bottoms up | 一饮而尽 | - | bottom up | 屁股朝天 |
chinese dragon | 麒麟 | - | black art | 妖术 |
china policy | 对华政策 | - | white man | 忠实可靠的人 |
black stranger | 完全陌生的人 | - | an apple of love | 西红柿 |
原句 | 意思 |
tastes differ | 萝卜青菜,各有所爱 |
he never says uncle | 他一向嘴硬,从不认错 |
lead a double life | 婚外恋 |
the apple of one's eye | 某人的掌上明珠 |
handwriting on the wall | 不祥之兆 |
bring down the house | 博得满堂喝彩 |
hug one's thigh | 抱某人大腿 |
read someone like a book | 看透某人心思 |
bold as brass | 不知羞耻 |
body and soul | 全心全意地 |
float someone's boat | 令人动心的 |
in the same boat | 同病相怜 |
young blood | 新鲜血液 |
make my blood boil | 令我怒火中烧 |
in black and white | 书面的 |
once bitten,twice shy | 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳 |
for the birds | 无聊 |
take the biscuit | 糟糕透顶 |
know sth backward | 对什么了如指掌 |
have an axe to grind | 别有用心 |
a baby in the woods | 涉世不深的人 |
be on the ball | 机敏 |
go ballistic | 勃然大怒 |
big softy | 软心肠 |
not the be-all and end-all | 不是唯一重要的东西 |
be way of beam | 大错特错 |
full of beans | 生气勃勃 |
on your bike | 滚开 |
small beer | 微不足道的事情 |
without missing a beat | 当机立断 |
fit the bill | 完全符合条件 |
on the block | 被拍卖 |
out of the blue | 出乎意料地 |
cook the book | 作假帐 |
a bird of passage | 匆匆过客 |
pull yourself up by yuor bootstrap | 自立自强 |
be bored of death | 无聊至极 |
get to the bottom of sth | 查明真相 |
give me a break | 得了吧 |
out of the box | 首创 |
out of bounds | 禁止入内 |
hit the bottle | 借酒消愁 |
bow and scrape | 卑躬屈膝 |
get down to brass tacks | 言归正传 |
bread-and-butter | 最重要的(名声问题) |
a bleeding heart | 滥好人 |