我的翻译:Why don't you get yourself a refill?
参考翻译:Why don't you pour yourself another drink?
参考翻译:The package includes cycle hire for the duration of your holiday.
3. 十五年的大混乱
我的翻译:fifteen years of chaos
参考翻译:fifteen years of utter confusion
4. 他自焚时员工们惊恐地看着。
我的翻译:The staffs watched him in horror as he set himself on fire.
参考翻译:Staff watched in horror as he set himself alight.
5. 你介意离家这么久吗?
我的翻译:Do you mind your being away from home for ages?
参考翻译:Did you mind being away from home for so long?
6. 她明显的冷淡让他恼火。
我的翻译:Her obvious indifference annoyed him.
参考翻译:He was annoyed by her apparent indifference.
7. 所有人都明白,他病得很厉害。
我的翻译:Everyone knew that he was seriously ill.
参考翻译:It was apparent to everyone that he was seriously ill.
8. 这套西装只卖八十块,真是太便宜了。
我的翻译:This suit only sells for $80. What a bargain.
参考翻译:The suit is a steal at $80.
我的翻译:Whether you leave or not does not matter to me at all.
参考翻译:Whether you stay or leave is a matter of total indifference to me (=I do not care) .