Microsoft has agreed to acquire Hexadite, a U.S. and Israeli-basedcybersecurity company that provides technology solutions to automate responsesto cyberattacks, Reuters reports.
①Microsoft has agreed to acquire Hexadite(句子主干)
②a U.S. and Israeli-based cybersecurity company(Hexadite的同位语,解释Hexadite)
③that provides technology solutions(that引导的从句,继续描述Hexadite)
④to automate responses to cyberattacks(说明技术解决方案的目的)
⑤Reuters reports(说明消息来源)
No financial details of the deal were disclosed. In May, an Israeli financial news publication called Calcalist suggested Microsoft would purchase Hexadite for $100 million. The purchase also follows a declaration by Microsoft in January that it intended to spend more than $1 billion on cybersecurity research.
①Israeli financial news publication(句子主语)called Calcalist(注意动词用的被动形态,表示被叫做Calcalist)
③Microsoft would purchase Hexadite for $100 million(宾语从句)
④The purchase also follows a declaration(句子主干)
⑤by Microsoft in January(补充说明declaration)
⑥that it intended to spend more than $1 billion on cybersecurity research(that引导从句补充说明declaration的内容,it指代Microsoft)
Hexadite,which has counted Hewlett-Packard as one of its primary investors, isheadquartered in Boston. Its research and development center operates inIsrael. The company claims that its technology helps to increase productivitywhile reducing costs for businesses.
①Hexadite is headquartered in Boston(句子主干)
②which has counted Hewlett-Packard as one of its primary investors(从句,起到补充说明的作用,countas当作)
③The company claims that(句子主干,主谓宾结构)
④its technology helps to increase productivity while reducing costs for businesses(从句,说明公司宣告的内容)
Accordingto Microsoft, it intends to use Hexadite technology to expand its threatprotection and detection services in order to more quickly respond to attacks,including widespread malware and ransomware campaigns.
①it intends to use Hexadite technology(句子主干)
②to expand its threat protection and detection services(说明使用Hexadite技术的目的)
③in order to more quickly respond to attacks(说明上一步的目的)
④including widespread malware and ransomware campaigns(从句,including=which includes)
Thecomputing giant said the acquisition of Hexadite would help to strengthen itsAdvanced Threat Protection services, and help to integrate artificialintelligence into its systems to automatically detect, investigate and remedysecurity vulnerabilities.
①The computing giant said(主语和谓语)
②the acquisition of Hexadite would help to strengthen its Advanced Threat Protection services, and help to integrate artificial intelligence into its systems(宾语从句,and前后的两个help to并列,integrate into融入)
③to automatically detect, investigate and remedy security vulnerabilities(说明目的,automatically是副词,修饰后面的动词,detect, investigate和remedy是三个并列的动作)
“Our visionis to deliver a new generation of security capabilities that helps ourcustomers protect, detect and respond to the constantly evolving andever-changing cyberthreat landscape,” Terry Myerson, executive vice presidentof Windows and Devices Group at Microsoft said in astatement.
①Our vision is to deliver a new generation of security capabilities(句子主干)
②that helps our customers protect, detect and respond to(the constantly evolving and ever-changing)cyberthreat landscape(从句,解释说明security capabilities;protect, detect和respond to是三个并列的动作,cyberthreat landscape是三个动词的宾语,括号内是修饰宾语的形容词)
③TerryMyerson(, executive vice president of Windows and Devices Group at Microsoft)said in astatement(括号里的内容对Terry Myerson的身份进行了详细介绍,是Terry Myerson的同位语)
参考译文:Windows和微软设备组的执行副总裁Terry Myerson在一则声明中说道:“我们的目标是带来新一代的安全性能,它能帮助我们的消费者保护、检测并回应不断发展变化的网络威胁环境。”
“Hexadite’stechnology and talent will augment our existing capabilities and enable ourability to add new tools and services to Microsoft’s robust enterprise securityofferings.”
①Hexadite’s technology and talent(主语)
②will augment our existing capabilities and enable our ability(augment和enable是两个并列的动作)
③to add new tools and services to Microsoft’s robust enterprise security offerings(修饰ability)