
Steven Spielberg's latest sci-fi film "Ready Player One" has taken in over 400 million yuan at the Chinese box office since its debut on Friday. The film made about 85 million yuan on its debut day.
AP: Not adjusted for inflation, it's Spielberg's best opening in a decade following "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull," which launched with $100.1 million in 2008.
Jeff Goldstein, Warner Bros.' president of domestic distribution said, "We always believed that this movie itself would carry the day and that's really what happened. We've seen all around the globe that the word of mouth is really propelling it."
1. Carry the day: To win or have success; to be successful (thefreedictionary.com)
2. Word of mouth: 口碑,口耳相传 the process of telling people you know about a particular product or service, usually because you think it is good and want to encourage them to try it (dictionary.cambridge.org)
例句:We get most of our clients by word of mouth.

电影、动漫、游戏……彩蛋那么多,问题又来了:“彩蛋”用英语到底咋说?要了解“彩蛋”的来源,就必须先认识一位名叫 Warren Robinett 的游戏设计师。
Wikipedia: Atari designers at the time were not given credit for their games, because Atari feared having to bargain with well-known designers. In response to this, Robinett placed a hidden object in the game that would allow the player to reach a hidden screen which displayed the words "Created by Warren Robinett," hence creating one of the earliest known Easter eggs in a video game, and the first to which the name "Easter egg" was applied.
因为 Warren Robinett 当时所在的雅达利公司(Atari)不愿给游戏设计师署名, 他一气之下把自己的名字藏在游戏里。雅达利在发行 Adventure 这款游戏时并不知情,一直到数月之后才有玩家发现这个“彩蛋”的存在。
Easter egg: A hidden item placed in a movie, television show, or otherwise visual media for close watchers. (urbandictionary.com)
An Easter egg is a hidden video game feature or surprise. Easter eggs are usually unlocked by using certain techniques to complete in-game tasks, entering specific button combinations or acquiring access to secret game or game file areas. (techopedia.com)

special effect 特效(通常用复数)
Eg. The film's special effects are amazing.
官方的解释是:The illusions or tricks of the eye used in the film, television, theatre, video game, and simulator industries to simulate the imagined events in a story or virtual world are traditionally called special effects

这两层意思实际非常相似:第一层意思是天神“道成肉身”降临到人间,而第二个意思是凡人幻化成虚拟形象进入虚拟空间。看完这两层意思,我不禁脑洞大开,我们这个世界会不会是天神们的虚拟游戏空间?每个凡人或许只是天神的avatar?细思极恐。在《头号玩家》里,现实生活中的韦德·沃兹(Wade Watts)带上VR眼镜,就摇身一变,变为Parzival。Parzival就是韦德的avatar。