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Notes | D10-刻意练习-Peak: Principle

Notes | D10-刻意练习-Peak: Principle

作者: f5cbc22a4a57 | 来源:发表于2017-08-24 23:04 被阅读1次

Reading Part @ Aug. 15, 2017

Chapter 5: Principles of Deliberate Practice on the Job(130-144)

  • Knowledge Versus Skills
  • A New Approach to Training

Summary & Reflection:





正如上面的场景,如果我们只是单一的对知识或者技能很努力,其结果都不可能最优化。所以,最理想的学习状态应该是:师傅领进门,修行在个人,即本书中所说的 see one, do one, teach one (看一遍,做一遍,教一遍)

See one -- 全方位学习知识
我们不再局限于传统形式的从各种书本,资料,培训课里学习,还可以有意识的培养自己“从实践中学习(hands-on training)”的思维,比如可以多看看专家的“技能演示”,角色扮演(role-play study),小组讨论(discussion group),案例分析(case solving)等等,在脑海里形成足够有效的“心理表征” (mental representation);


Do one -- 刻意练习技能
有了一定的理论与培训知识后,就要开始动手做一遍,若能在导师的指导下“刻意练习”(deliberate practice)效果会更好,毕竟有反馈才能更好的进步;

Teach one -- 以教促学
当我们能够熟练掌握这个新技能后,我们可以尝试以教促学,这也是对知识的一种回馈,在传递知识和教习技能的过程中,我们还可以进一步思考并丰富我们的所学,这也是《高效能人士的7个习惯》中的另一种 win/win 模式的体现吧。

需要注意的是,see one, do one, teach one,并不存在很严格的先后顺序。还记得《高效能人士的7个习惯》里的“以终为始”吗?我们的最终目标是成为某个技能的专家,所以我们可以在掌握基础知识后就开始做,在刻意练习技能(skill)的过程中继续有的放矢的学习知识(knowledge),并尝试以教促学。



see one - Eric 的经验,小伙伴们的读书笔记,微信群里的讨论;我们互相学习分享的思路,经验,好方法......

do one - 每日的阅读进度,读书总结,精选生词的学习,每周的英文 summary;我们通过阅读发现新知识点,我们通过分享笔记梳理思路,我们通过点评发现不足......

teach one - 每日点评群里其他小伙伴的笔记;我们运用自己已学会的知识指出小伙伴们的错误,点评过程中发现自己的不足,然后继续补缺补漏刻意学习,寓教于学......


Words and Expressions:

Once new doctors have reached this stage, they go to work as full-fledged physicians with the assumption that they've developed all the skills they need to treat patients effectively.

full-fledged, 形容词,表示 “完全成熟的,经过充分训练的,合格的”,completely developed, trained, or established,这是美式英语的写法;英式英语多了个 y,写成:fully-fledged.

例句:At the age of 22, Davis became the youngest full-fledged member of the board of directors.

......and researchers concluded that it was likely the older doctors' patients fared worse because of it.

fare, 作为不及物动词(vi),还有 “遭遇,进展,经营” 的意思,to do something well or badly;可搭配为:fare well/badly/better etc.

例句:How did you fare in London?
仿造句:How did you fare in your exam?

顺便复习几个 fare 作为名词的短语:flat fare -- 单一票价;fare register -- 计费器;return fare -- 来回路费

......I visited the website doctorsreview.com, which bills itself as "the most complete medical meeting listings on the web."

bill, 作为及物动词(vt),有 “开账单,宣布,用(海报)宣传” 等意思,原文中表示 “advertise 广告”的意思,to describe (someone or something) as a particular thing so that people will like or want that person or thing — usually used as (be) billed to do something.

例句:The city is being billed [=advertised] as one of the best places to live in the state.
仿造句:He is billed as an expert in teaching Japanese.

......and those who had relatively few such operations under their belts.

have something under one's belt, 表示 “在以往的经历中,曾经有过什么成就/成绩”,to have achieved something useful or important.

例句:She has a best-selling book under her belt. [=she has written a best-selling book]
仿造句:He finally had a full-year of experience about selling under his belt.

8月英文原版读书会 图/Eric



    本文标题:Notes | D10-刻意练习-Peak: Principle
