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Notes | D03-刻意练习-Peak: Harnessin

Notes | D03-刻意练习-Peak: Harnessin

作者: f5cbc22a4a57 | 来源:发表于2017-08-11 21:54 被阅读3次

Reading Part @ Aug. 03, 2017

Ch 2: Harnessing Adaptability ( P26-37 )

  • The Brains of London Cabbies
  • Adaptability


昨天阅读的第一章里,作者用 “有目的的练习”(purposeful practice) 刷新了我们在学习新技能中不自觉的普遍都采用的 “天真的练习” (naive practice)这种传统方式,在结尾处留了个悬念,还有比 “有目的的练习” 更强大更有效的 “刻意练习”(deliberate practice)。


Because one of the key differences among different types pf practice is the extene to which they harness the adaptability of the human brain and body.




These studies of brain plasticity in blind subjects - and similar studies in deaf subjects - tell us taht the brain's structure and function are not fixed. They change in response to use. It is possible to shape the brain - your brain, my brain, anybody's brain - in the ways that we desire through conscious, deliberate training.



当我们潜意识抗拒排斥不想去学习新事物,懒得做出改变的时候,我们不自觉的就会归咎于我们的“身体”不行,“大脑”不好,可事实上呢?还真不是这样的!今天阅读的这部分实验数据,拿出来可是能分分钟 “秒打” 懒人滴~

Words and Expressions:

To start with, there is no grid of thoroughfares that can be used for orientation and touring as you will find in Manhattan or Paris or Tokyo.

thoroughfare, 可数名词,表示 “大街、大道、通行” 的意思, the main road through a place such as a city or village. 例:main thoroughfare - 主干道;no thoroughfare - 禁止通行

例句:Police closed off about 12 blocks of a major San Francisco thoroughfare for today's march.

Half or more of the prospective drivers end up dropping out, but those who stay with it and earn their licenses have internalized London to a degree that Google Maps, with its satellite images, camera cars, and unfathomable memory and processing power, can only vaguely approximate.

unfathomable, 形容词,表示 “深不可测的;无底的;高深莫测的”,too strange or mysterious to be understood. 原文意思是,伦敦司机对道路高深莫测的记忆力可以仅凭乘客一个模糊的地址就可以送客到目的地。

例句:His glance at her was unfathomable.
仿造句:The scientists have kept studying the unfathomable complexity of the human brain.

That still left one loose end, ...

loose end, 可数名词,表示 “未了结的零星问题”,a part of something (such as a job or story) that has not been completed;常用作复数(loose ends)

固定搭配有:at loose ends (美式) 或者 at a loose end(英式): not knowing what to do / not having anything in particular to do 不知做什么事好;无所事事。

例句:We still have one more loose end to deal with before we're finished with the project.
例句:He was at a loose end.
仿造句:Please call me if you find yourself at loose ends this weekend.

......and the extensive testing they went through was nothing more than a weeding-out process that zeroed in on those prospective drivers who were naturally better equipped to be able to learn their way around the maze that is London.

zero in on, 短语动词,zero in on (someone or something): to direct all of your attention to (someone or something) ; to aim something (such as a gun or camera) directly at (someone or something); 向......集中注意力,对准
例句:He zeroed in on her with the camera.

类似短语动词:home in on something; to aim exactly at an object or place and move directly to it; to direct your efforts or attention towards a particular fault or problem;对准目标
例句:Researchers are homing in on the cause of the disease.

延伸学习:zero (something) out or zero out (something) US: to reduce the amount of (something) to zero; to remove (something) completely; 取消;归零;使…为零
例句:Be sure to zero out [=empty] the account before you switch banks.

Some Expressions:

  • To start with
  • More to the point
  • By contrast
  • As we've noted
  • Interestingly enough
8月英文原版读书会 图/Eric



    本文标题:Notes | D03-刻意练习-Peak: Harnessin
