世上没有高不可攀的山峰(every mountain until someone climbs it)
壹句工作是连接现实与梦想的桥梁(the bridge between reality and a dream is work)
如果你连自己都战胜不了,何谈战胜世界?(you cannot win the war against the world ,if you can't win the war against your own mind)
壹句你拥有什么是注定的,好好利用你得到的才是重点(what you get is what you get. what you do with what you get. that's more the point )
抱最大的希望,做最坏的打算(hope for the best . plan for worst)
我们只能尽力而为,有时候我们能做的一切就是从头开始( all we can do is our best. and somethings the best we can do is to start over)