文〃图/Qi 小雨 {94/365}【原创】
复盘第二块主业务"企业培训" ,这一块业务仍然设计为4块业务相链接又独立,语言培训/ 客服培训/专题讲座/文化交融,每年两次在迪拜知识村的教育培训公开周上做各类关于中国文化类的讲座……
企业培训是当时业绩非常好的一块业务,成功的为高端零售企业和酒店提供了包括初级汉语在内的客服培训,最具有影响力的客服培训是为著名珠宝公司' Damas' 提供长达一个月的中国客服培训。
企业培训板块的架构‖Qi-Sino Documentary(8)Home>Corporate Training 对外企业培训页面
Qi-Chinese aligns your training needs with your business goals and objective as well as your organization’s values and culture, tailors a training program to match your business to maximum the satisfaction to your Chinese customer and cliental.
Our corporate training program:
• Proven increase in staff performance and customer satisfaction
• Training can be conducted onsite or outside working hours
• Training can be conducted in-house or out-hours
• Reduction in errors due to miscommunication with your Chinese , demonstrated increase in sale
文图/Qi 小雨
整理于 2019.04.22
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